Cream Skin-cap - to whom the remedy is suitable, and how to apply it correctly?

Skin-cap cream is a medical product that is often prescribed by dermatologists and cosmetologists as a monotherapy or as part of complex treatment of various skin lesions localized on the body and face. About what this means is, to whom it is suitable and how it works, let's talk further.

Skin-cap - composition of cream

This preparation has a light, low-fat texture, close to emulsion, white, with a recognizable characteristic odor. It is packed differently: 15 g of sachets of laminated foil, 15 g of plastic and 50 g of plastic tubes. Information on the chemical composition of Skin-Cap cream is contained in the instructions for use attached to the medicine.

Skin-cap cream is a hormonal drug or not?

Skin-Cap from the company "Invar" - a medicine around which some time ago there was a lot of controversy. So, in view of its high effectiveness, comparable with the action of strong hormonal agents, there was a suspicion that the manufacturer hides the full composition of the cream, introducing into it a corticosteroid component. The analysis of another drug from the Skin-Cap-aerosol line conducted by the US Agency for the Quality of Medicines showed the presence of peaks in the obtained chromotograms, which were identified as hormonal substances.

At the same time, the method used, which was available at that time, was far from perfect, and could show false positive results. In 2016, a number of independent laboratories from different countries conducted research on the latest technologies, showing the lack of hormones in Skin-Cap's composition. Today, when answering the question whether the Skin-Cap hormone cream is hormonal or not, it can be firmly said that there are no steroids in it. Confirmation is the protocol of laboratory studies, which are freely available on the site of the manufacturer of the drug.

The active substance of the Skin-Cap cream is the zinc pyrithione compound, with zinc in it connected to oxygen and sulfur, and the molecule is activated in a special way, which is the secret development of the manufacturer. Due to this zinc pyrithione has a high stability, provides the highest efficiency, showing the following properties:

As additional ingredients in the cream contains the following substances:

Skin-cap: a cream or an aerosol - what is better?

The agent from the Skin-Cap line in aerosol form is a yellowish-white oily solution, placed in cylinders with 35 ml and 70 ml sprayers. Both aerosol and Skin-cap skin cream contain the same amount of active ingredient-0.2% zinc pyrithione. The difference between these forms lies in the list of additional components that are represented by the following substances in the aerosol: isopropyl myristate, polysorbate-80, ethanol, trolamine, water, isobutane, propane.

This composition determines the drying effect of aerosol, while the cream due to the content of esters of coconut oil is able to provide an additional emollient and moisturizing effect. In view of this, Skin-Cap aerosol is better to use in the presence of moccasin, characteristic often for acute stages of skin lesions, and the cream - in case of increased dryness and flaking of tissues. In addition, the aerosol is easy to use when it is necessary to treat the scalp.

Skin-cap - indications for use

The cream form of the Skin-Cap preparation reads for the following purposes:

Skin-cap - side effects

When using the drug, the active substance accumulates in the epidermis and in shallow layers of the dermis, practically not penetrating into the systemic bloodstream (found only in trace amounts in the blood). In view of this, zinc pyrithione has no general effect on the body, is well tolerated, exhibiting a local therapeutic effect on skin tissue.

Skin-cap-cream side effects occur in rare cases, which is often associated with improper use of the drug and individual hypersensitivity reactions to one or more of the components of the drug. This is expressed by various local allergic symptoms: redness, rash, itching, swelling, and others. In addition, during the first days of therapy, a brief occurrence of light burning on the areas of application of the drug is acceptable, which does not require the withdrawal of treatment (in this case, you can reduce the single amount of the applied cream).

Skin-cap - contraindications

Skin-cap cream is a local non-hormonal drug with a high safety profile, which can be used by most patients, including with various acute and chronic diseases. Considering what contraindications have Skin-Cap, the instructions can only detect increased sensitivity to the components of the drug. With this in mind, before the first application, it is worthwhile to test for individual sensitivity to the drug, applying a thin layer on a small area of ​​the skin and tracing the reaction of the tissues.

Skin-cap cream - from what age?

The manufacturer specifies age limits to the use of medicines, according to which Skin-Cap cream for babies who have not reached the age of one year, is not recommended. This is due to the fact that clinical trials of Skin-Cap cream for children under one year have not been carried out, and the consequences of such treatment can be unpredictable. If there is an urgent need, Skin-Cap Cream for newborns and children before the year is used with caution under the constant supervision of a doctor.

Skin-cap cream during pregnancy

Despite the fact that the myths that Skin-Cap is hormonal are already debunked, as well as the fact that the drug does not have a systemic effect, it is prescribed to pregnant women only in extreme cases. In addition, it is not necessary to use the cream for mothers nursing babies, if the treatment can be done with the use of other dermatoprotective agents.

Skin-cap cream - application

According to the instructions, Skin-CAP cream from allergies and other skin lesions is applied to the problem areas with a thin layer twice a day. Before use, the tube with the product should be shaken well. The duration of the treatment course is determined on an individual basis depending on the diagnosis, the severity of the disease, the patient's age and other factors. So, with psoriasis, Skin-Cap cream is used about 1-1.5 months, with atopic dermatitis - 3-4 weeks. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 30-45 days. More than two months in a row, the cream is not used.

Skin-cap cream for acne

Although the manufacturer does not indicate this diagnosis in the list of indications, Skin-Cap Face Cream is often recommended by specialists in case of skin lesions with acne. The results of the application vary from patient to patient: for someone, the drug helps at once; in others, it aggravates the situation. The main rule: do not prescribe Skin-Cap cream yourself, but discuss the rationality of its use with a doctor.

Skin-cap with Rosacea

Disease rosacea is a violation of the tone of the superficial arterioles of the facial skin under the influence of various factors, which is manifested by persistent reddening and swelling of the skin, a noticeable expansion of the vessels, the formation of papules and pustules. If the pathology is related to the activity of Demodex hypodermic mites, it is permissible to apply Skin-Cap cream to the face as part of a complex treatment. With other provocative causes of this disease, often this tool is useless to use.

Skin-cap cream for dermatitis

Successfully used in the fight against various types of dermatitis Skin-CAP cream: with atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis. These pathologies are often complicated by a secondary infection and require correct local therapy. The drug not only has the necessary effect, eliminating or alleviating the symptoms of pathologies, but it reduces the amount of antihistamines used and local corticosteroids. In some cases, it is possible to completely reject hormonal drugs known for their side effects when applying Skin-Cap.

Skin-cap cream analogues

There are situations when it is required to choose an analogue of the cream SkinKap (for example, because of its high cost or intolerance of any components of the drug). In such cases, one of the preparations in cream form may be recommended, containing pyrithione as the main component of zinc:

Replace the drug is sometimes possible and other non-hormonal drugs belonging to the pharmacotherapeutic group of dermatoprotective agents, among which popular creams are: