Salicylic Lotion

Salicylic acid has long been one of the most effective means to combat acne, skin pigmentation and inflammatory elements. This is due to its bactericidal, antiseptic properties, as well as a mild exfoliating action. The use of acid in its pure form can cause irritation, therefore, for the most part, cosmetology uses salicylic lotion of varying degrees of concentration and with the addition of therapeutic auxiliary components.

Lotion with salicylic acid

The active ingredient of the product under consideration performs the following functions:

The best salicylic lotion helps from deep pimples under the skin, as it allows them to accelerate their maturation and outflow of the contents. For treatment of black spots and comedones, a long course of procedures with the use of additional exfoliating masks or scrubs is necessary.

Salicylic alcohol-free lotion

Regular use of salicylic acid in a mixture with medical alcohol, of course, provides a quick noticeable result, but can lead to severe skin irritation. The agent in question itself acts aggressively on the dermis and epidermis, and in combination with alcohol causes chemical burns, hyperemia and increased dryness of the skin, especially when applied to large areas, rather than pointwise. Therefore, it is recommended to use salicylic lotion without alcohol.

A product of StopProblem trademark (Michel Laboratory) proved to be well-known among consumers. This tool has the following actions:

In the line of products, there is a non-alcoholic salicylic lotion for sensitive skin with plant extracts (alternating, aloe, chamomile), which, in addition, moisturizes well and removes irritation.

Salicylic Express Lotion

The product in question is a universal remedy that can not only rid of the problem skin, but also cope with the consequences of insect bites, minor injuries and mechanical damage. The antibacterial express lotion Edelstar, in addition to salicylic acid, includes tea tree essential oil , plantain extracts, alternatives, sage and celandine. The combination of these components allows you to quickly and thoroughly cleanse the skin, stop inflammation, remove itching, irritation, and significantly accelerate the healing of wounds, cuts and abrasions. Such salicylic lotion can use as a disinfectant on vacation and on trips.

Salicylic lotion at home

Preparing a remedy is easy on your own:

  1. Grind 1 tablet of Trichopolum.
  2. Dissolve the powder in 200 ml of tincture of propolis, add the same amount of salicylic alcohol.
  3. Shake well the ingredients in a glass container.

The drug should be wiped problem areas every evening after washing. This salicylic lotion is intended for oily skin, since it dries the inflammation sufficiently and reduces secretion from the pores.

Owners of dry and sensitive skin should simply replace salicylic alcohol with pure acid (50 ml) and dilute it with 300 ml of decoction of chamomile flowers or calendula.