Self-assessment of junior schoolchildren

Self-esteem is considered to be a complex of feelings and beliefs of a person about himself. The role of students' self-esteem is not only in excellent study, the child with a sense of self-worth is aimed at success and in life. A healthy adequate self-esteem is the guarantee of a harmonious development of the personality. An insecure student in his adult life will be indecisive.

What influences the formation of self-esteem of a junior high school student?

Formation of self-esteem of the junior schoolboy occurs in kindergarten age and is completed by 6-8 years. It can include an assessment of yourself, your position in the school team, your activities, academic performance. A study of self-esteem of junior schoolchildren showed that in children of this age self-criticism is poorly developed. This means that in any dispute, the child will assert that only his opponent is wrong. The formation of self-esteem is influenced by good academic performance, which helps to gain prestige in the classroom. It is important to be able to communicate in a team. The style of parenting also affects the development of self-esteem of junior schoolchildren. In a family where the child is humiliated, offended, not praised, people grow insecure.

It is not difficult to conduct a diagnosis of self-esteem of junior schoolchildren. Draw a ladder of 7 steps on the sheet of paper, number them and ask the child to arrange classmates in such a way: on 1-3 steps - good guys, 4 - neither good nor bad guys, at 5-7 steps - bad. And in the end, ask to mark yourself in this symbolic hierarchy. If the child chooses 1 step, this indicates an overestimated self-esteem, 2-3 - about adequate, 4-6 low self-esteem.

How to increase a student's self-esteem?

It is important for a child to feel support first of all from the most native people - parents. It is adults who can improve the opinion of the baby about themselves. So, a few tips:

  1. Try to praise your favorite child more often for the smallest achievements, and also show your love and pride for him.
  2. Find activities in which the child will be successful - embroidery, drawing, foreign language, etc.
  3. Be for the child protection, support, support. Try to always be on his side. Knowing that he has a reliable "Rear", the little one will feel more confident.
  4. Expand your child's social circle, acquaint him with the children of your friends and acquaintances.
  5. Give it to a sports section or a circle: joint interests, the struggle for superiority, team spirit contribute to increasing the self-esteem of junior schoolchildren.
  6. Teach your child to say "No!".

And, most importantly, trying to improve the self-esteem of a child of primary school age, parents need to be a good role model.