Advice from supermodel El MacPherson: how to choose the perfect drink for a party

We repeatedly shared with you the beauty secrets of the most beautiful women in the film industry and model business, their hard self-control and relentless training is hard to envy - be beautiful hard work, will not you agree? What secrets are still kept by Hollywood's standard beauties? Supermodel El MacPherson looks amazing in 53 years and takes pleasure in courtship from men half her age, which is a serious indicator of the effectiveness of her secret of preserving youth!

El MacPherson never ceases to amaze with his appearance

More recently, the supermodel has become the author of a lifestyle-column about a healthy lifestyle on the site Get the Gloss. In one of the last articles, she paid much attention to the drinking regimen and the ideal drinks that nourish the "soul and body" while preserving youth and health to the skin and hair. But not only this caused interest in the new article! McPherson shared the secret of how she manages to abstain from alcohol at parties and not attract "condemning" looks from the guests, and it all began with a refusal of caffeine in favor of water and natural juices:

"Your appearance, first of all, is self-control. If I break the drinking regime and the water balance, I immediately feel tired, headache and irritability. In my youth, like many, I could not live without a cup of double espresso in the morning. But now I understand that it is better to start the day with a glass of hot water, since caffeine blocks the work of the body and does not allow it to fully absorb nutrients from food. In addition, during the day, I constantly carry a bottle of filtered water with me, during breaks at work I can afford freshly brewed herbal tea with spices, for example, turmeric and coriander. "
The model is still actively being removed for magazines

El MacPherson believes that by giving preference to herbal infusions, clean water and freshly squeezed juices, she helped herself to preserve youth:

"After I dramatically changed my drinking diet, I immediately noticed a dramatic change in appearance and skin condition, the pigmentation spots disappeared, the gastrointestinal tract began to work well, the plaque from the tongue disappeared."

The model admitted that at first she consulted a doctor and, under supervision, she gradually changed her way of life:

"My doctor immediately said that giving up coffee will help me cope with a constant feeling of fatigue and slackness, insomnia. During the consultation, he said that caffeine provokes acidification of the body. If I want to cheer up, it is better to give preference to tea-latte - this is an ideal alternative. It's made easy: I add ground ginger, cardamom, a few peas of pepper, a little sugar and 1/3 cup of filtered water to the Turk - bring it to a boil, pour in the milk and let the drink sink in a small fire for about four minutes. "
The model abandoned harmful products and beverages in favor of health and beauty

Like many actresses and models, El is selective in the use of alcoholic beverages. McPherson shared the secret of how she manages to abstain from alcohol at parties and not attract "condemning" glances from the guests:

"I refused alcohol for a long time, I do not even make exceptions for parties and holidays. If you saw me with a glass, then most likely there is a non-alcoholic mojito with a slice of ginger and mint leaves. In the glass instead of champagne - ginger ale, a delicious combination of carbonated water, sugar and ginger. Each party must have this drink, because the basis for many alcoholic cocktails! "
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Despite the fact that El MacPherson does not drink alcohol, there is always a bottle of champagne for friends and vodka for male friends in the home mini-bar:

"I do not insist that my friends abandon alcohol, I think it's stupid. I always have a small supply of Australian non-alcoholic wines, and stronger drinks, champagne for girlfriends and vodka for men. Although now, according to my observations, many began to give preference to gin. I myself will be happy to drink coconut milk or almond milk at home, which I do myself every couple of days! "