26 weeks gestation - fetal size

In the second half of pregnancy the fetus actively moves (the woman counts up to 15 movements per hour), begins to actively grow and gain weight. The fetus at 26 weeks hears well and reacts to the mother's voice. The length of the fetus at 26 weeks is 32 cm, its weight is 900 g.

Pregnancy, which develops normally, does not affect the mother's well-being. There should be no swelling in the legs, the size of the fetus at 26 weeks is too small to obstruct the outflow from the kidneys. But if there are any symptoms, you should go to the gynecologist for an examination, which is carried out once in 2 weeks during this period.

Fetus in 25-26 weeks of pregnancy

At these dates, the fetus should show the following ultrasound-size:

Fetus in 26-27 weeks of pregnancy (ultrasound-size)

Amount (column height) of amniotic fluid should be within 35 - 70 mm. The umbilical cord should contain 3 vessels. In the heart all four chambers and all valves are clearly visible, the course of the main vessels (aorta and pulmonary artery) should be correct. The heart rate should be within 120-160 per minute, the rhythm is correct.

The fetal movements should be clearly visible on ultrasound, the headache (less often the gluteal), the head is tilted forward (without extension). Any changes in size downwards may indicate a fetal retardation syndrome, in the direction of increase - at perhaps the greatest weight of the fetus or an incorrectly defined gestation period.