Amniotic fluid index - table

A very important role in the normal course of pregnancy is played by the composition of the waters near the fetus and their sufficient number. There are several ways to determine these parameters. The most reliable is the establishment of an amniotic fluid index in cm.

In order for the ultrasound doctor to provide the most accurate information concerning the study of amniotic fluid, modern ultrasound machines are equipped with special programs that contain tables of amniotic fluid norms and automatically calculate the desired index. The results of such an analysis show such pregnancy pathologies as polyhydramnios or hypochlorism in pregnancy .

Determination of the norm of amniotic fluid

The required data must be calculated in order to determine whether amniotic fluid is sufficient for a normal and complete gestation of the child. There are two ways of obtaining the desired result:

  1. Objective definition. The uterus is scanned in all sections and the ultrasound machine automatically calculates the index.
  2. Subjective definition. Ultrasound is also used, but in the course of the study the maximum upper quadrants of the uterus are summed up, which is equal to the index of the amniotic fluid.

Amniotic fluid index table

The figures obtained as a result of ultrasound examination are compared with the table of amniotic fluid. It is worth noting that each device is equipped with its own version of the table, the components of which can vary significantly, however, there is a more or less averaged option. Indices of the index are the reason for establishing such diagnoses as polyhydramnios or hypochlorism. However, they are not a guide to decisive action, since the doctor will determine many more attendant factors.

Amniotic fluid index by week

During the entire period of bearing, the amniotic fluid constantly changes its quantitative and qualitative composition in direct proportion to the gestation period and the growth of the baby. With each week, the volume of the liquid increases, on average, by 40-50 ml and can reach 1-1.5 liters before the delivery itself and may decrease somewhat. However, a one-time assessment of the amount of water can not be reliable, since the fetus constantly changes position.

An approximate table of amniotic fluid contains data on the normal volume of the amniotic fluid for each gestation week and the maximum permissible deviations from the generally accepted indices.

In order to talk about the actual polyhydramnios or amniotic fluid deficiency, it is necessary to determine the exact deviation from the generally accepted norms that do not fit within the limits of the maximum permissible parameters. So, for example, if the index of an amniotic fluid of 11 cm occurs at the 32nd week of gestation, then there is no cause for concern. But the presence of such a volume of water at the 22nd or 26th week already indicates their surplus.

Knowledge of the parameters of the amniotic fluid table depending on the gestation period will help the future mother to independently understand the results of the study if she has not received objective explanations from her gynecologist. Neglect of the results of ultrasound investigation is fraught with complications in the process of getting rid of the burden, and exactly:

It should be understood that the amount of amniotic fluid does not depend on the lifestyle and diet of a pregnant woman, since it is an aboriginal natural indicator that is rarely adjusted by medicinal methods.