What is contained in bananas?

Banana is a fruit that only a couple of decades ago was exotic on the tables of residents of northern and temperate latitudes, and today it has become commonplace. Surely many people noticed that eating a banana, forgetting about hunger for a long time, and the mood rises. What is contained in bananas and determines their effect on the body, will be told in this article.

What vitamins are contained in bananas?

The composition of this fruit is amazing. It contains vitamins A, C, E, group B, minerals - copper, manganese, zinc, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, boron, iodine, molybdenum and others, as well as catecholamines, glucose, sucrose, fiber , fructose. There are proteins, fats and carbohydrates in it. Those who are interested in how many carbohydrates are contained in a banana, it is worth noting that in 100 g of fruit include 21 g of carbohydrates. Thanks to this banana is very caloric and can for a long time provide a feeling of satiety, energize the body and increase tone.

Asking what is contained in the banana and in what quantity, it is worth paying attention to the presence of potassium. This mineral, which ensures the normal functioning of the heart muscle and takes part in the contraction of the muscles, in these fruits as much as necessary to meet the daily requirement. Eating two bananas a day, you can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and significantly improve your health, add body vigor and strength. But not only thanks to potassium. The hormone of joy of serotonin, which is present in bananas, enhances the mood.

The amount of such element as zinc, contained in 100 g of banana in a concentration of 0.15 mg, allows to support the work of the reproductive system, improve fertility. These fruits remove excess water from the body and are actively used in the fight against excess weight, because they practically do not contain fat, but they are rich in fiber. They rarely cause allergies, so they are recommended as first food. Catecholamines reduce inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, which gives grounds to use bananas in the fight against ulcers and gastritis.

Bananas reduce pressure, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and slow down the aging process and increase the body's resistance to seasonal infections. In the yellow fruit of an exotic tree, people with kidney, vascular and liver diseases are needed. There is an opinion that bananas contain substances that are close in composition to the mother's milk, and this property makes the fruit extremely useful for nursing mothers.