Sweets for weight loss

The desire to lose weight and lose weight dictates the modern society, in this regard, manufacturers of various dietary supplements and nutrition for slimming invent newer and newer products. The modern market is filled with candy for weight loss. The dream of every sweet tooth is sweets and does not gain weight, or even better - lose weight. On the shelves of healthy food there are several brands of candy for weight loss, in their variety they can please the taste of any buyer, as are presented and chewing sweets for weight loss, and chocolate and raspberry.

But often you can not completely trust advertising and tempting names. To understand whether candy for weight loss exists or is another marketing move, you need to know what is included in these miracle products.

Candy slimming slimmies

Producers say that eating these candies can not adhere to diets, exercise and lose weight.

The composition of sweets includes cognac glucomannan - a miracle substance, which on assurances of the manufacturer will transform the contents of your stomach into a gel - it will be in the stomach for a long time and maintain a sense of satiety. But all these are beautiful words from the commercial, what is it really? And in reality cognac glucomannan is a usual thickener like pectin, gelatin or agar-agar.

When you use such sweets, you will not harm yourself, but you also should not wait for the excess kilograms to evaporate by themselves.

Candy slimming ECOpills Raspberry

Raspberry sweets for weight loss have a very rich composition, which includes fat burners. According to manufacturers, consumption of 1-2 sweets a day reduces appetite, increases saturation, gives strength and removes toxins and toxins.

If you look at the composition, you can actually find substances that promote fat burning, such as L-carnitine , guarana extract, raspberry extract, but what is the dosage of these substances and whether it is sufficient for effective fat burning - remains a question. In addition, the substances that make up the drug, there are a number of side effects, which the manufacturer decided to keep silent:

  1. Guarana extract - caffeine in its pure form has the property of causing insomnia , rapid pulse, increased blood pressure, headaches, irritability.
  2. Raspberry extract helps to produce noradrenaline, which in turn increases the pressure and body temperature.
  3. L-carnitine has fewer side effects and is a more useful substance, it enters the body with foods such as cottage cheese, fish, red meat. But again, there is one feature, the intake of L-carnitine promotes fat burning only when it is properly administered - on an empty stomach and in combination with aerobic exercise - walking, running, cycling.

In conclusion, I want to advise not to succumb to the advertising tricks of sellers of illusions. Before you buy products designed for weight loss, analyze the composition, it does not always correspond to the declared properties. And lovers of sweet can change confectionery products to dried fruits, from which you can make useful candy yourself.