Coagulogram - decoding

Coagulogram - the procedure is not the most popular, but for a certain category of patients it is very important. Under a rather complicated name, a laboratory study of blood for clotting is concealed. Deciphering the coagulogram allows you to learn a lot of details about the blood condition in particular and the body as a whole. As with most studies, it is very difficult to understand the results of this medical procedure. Let's try to lighten the task a little and tell about the main indicators and their norms.

Deciphering the results of the coagulogram

Coagulogram is a set of specific tests that allow you to learn about blood clotting almost everything. The possibility of blood to thicken is one of the most important protective functions of the body. Of course, in a normal state the blood should be liquid, but even with the slightest damage and injuries to the walls of blood vessels, coagulation becomes a vital process.

You will need the skills to decode the coagulogram in the following cases:

  1. The study is prescribed for pathological problems with blood clotting.
  2. Coagulogram is mandatory during pregnancy.
  3. The procedure is shown during the preparation for the operation and during the recovery period after it.
  4. Do not interfere with the examination of those who abuse alcohol and cigarettes.
  5. Experts recommend regularly doing coagulation for people after fifty.

In a healthy patient, all indices in deciphering the coagulogram should be normal. The main characteristics of blood clotting are as follows:

  1. One of the most important indicators is prothrombin. Strictly speaking, this is the protein responsible for blood clotting. The normal concentration of prothrombin in the blood varies between 78 and 142 percent. The amount of protein in the blood sometimes helps to identify problems that cause disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. The normal index of INR in deciphering the coagulogram is 80-120%. INR is an international normalized attitude. This indicator - an alternative to domestic PTI (prothrombin index). The INR analysis is carried out in order that a specialist can determine the dose of the blood thinning drug needed by a particular patient.
  3. The norm of RFMK in deciphering a coagulogram per 100 ml of blood can not exceed 4 mg. Soluble fibrin-monomer complexes serve as a kind of markers demonstrating the possibility of intravascular coagulation.
  4. An important role in the decoding of the coagulogram is played by the APTT index - activated partial thromboplastin time. This is the most time-sensitive indicator. In an absolutely healthy person, a protective clot should be formed in less than a minute (30-40 seconds), but if the index is increased, it is most likely that the patient will have to undergo a test for the presence of rare diseases.

Deep decoding of the coagulogram

In the expanded coagulogram, the following indicators are also presented:

  1. Adhesion is a characteristic of the ability of platelets to group and form protective clots. If adhesion is reduced, there is a high probability that the patient has renal failure . The normal adhesion index is 20-50%.
  2. Aggregation is the ability of platelets to unite. In a healthy organism, the aggregation level does not exceed 20%.
  3. The description of a group of specific bodies in deciphering a blood coagulogram allows one to determine the presence of a lupus anticoagulant.
  4. With the help of thrombotests specialists determine the amount of fibrinogen in the blood.