Elevit in Pregnancy

The diet of modern man is not sufficiently enriched with vitamins and trace elements, which are necessary for the full work of his body. And during pregnancy, the body's need for vitamins and microelements increases, which are needed not only for women, but also for the full development of the fetus. For this purpose, special multivitamins for pregnant women have been developed and recommended for use in medicine. Elevit Pronatal is one of the most frequently recommended vitamins for pregnant women.

Elevit Pronatal in the planning of pregnancy

Vitamin and mineral complex "Elevit" is indicated for women who are preparing for conception, because planning of pregnancy against hypovitaminosis can result either in non-occurrence of pregnancy, or in miscarriage at an early age, or in the formation of defects in the fetus. So, for example, the folic acid contained in its composition explains the expediency of taking Elevit in planning pregnancy. Taking Elevit before pregnancy can avoid the development of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy, because it contains enough iron.

The calcium that is part of Elevit will allow it to saturate the woman's body before pregnancy and prevent the appearance of possible problems during pregnancy associated with its deficiency.

Elevit in pregnancy - use

Obstetricians gynecologists recommend taking Elevit during pregnancy, and then continue during the period of breastfeeding. Elevit multivitamin complex includes 12 vitamins, 3 microelements and 4 minerals. It is possible to take these vitamins with both preventive and therapeutic purposes. Elevit Pronatal for pregnant women is prescribed for the following purposes:

The composition of vitamins Elevit for pregnant women is as follows:

How to take Elevit during pregnancy?

Elevit pregnant women are prescribed 1 tablet a day during meals. In the same dosage, it is recommended that you take Vitabine Vitamin E when planning pregnancy and breastfeeding. As part of one tablet contains a daily rate of vitamins and trace elements. But since it does not include iodine, it is recommended that Elevit take in combination with iodine-containing preparations.

Contraindication to the intake of vitamins Elevit in pregnancy is the individual intolerance of its components, hypervitaminosis A and D, as well as the presence of urolithiasis in a pregnant woman.