How to cook in a frying pan?

Frying pan-grill - an excellent replacement for the grate of the present, heated by live fire, grilling. Firstly, it is thanks to the ribbed surface of the frying pan, which separates it among the relatives, the meat acquires attractive toasted stripes, and secondly, high-quality and well-warmed dishes will ensure correct and uniform roasting while preserving all the meat juices inside the piece. We did not in vain emphasize your attention to the temperature of warming up, after all, before cooking in a pan-grill, it must be well heated. In case of strong warming, the meat will grasp from one touch to the hot surface, keeping all the juices.

How to cook meat in a grill?

Picking up a good cast-iron frying pan and choosing the right piece of meat, start cooking. Before cooking, meat should be brought to room temperature, covered with marinade or simply sprinkled with pepper and salt. Thanks to the warming at room temperature, the steak will be roasted evenly. Next, heat the cast-iron grill pan and pour oil into it. Now, be careful when laying a piece on the surface: the liquid from the meat, when in contact with the hot oil, will provoke splashes. After placing the steak on the surface of the grill, leave it for a minute, then turn over, another minute, and let the sides in the allocated juice. So, for a minute on each side, bring the meat to the preferred degree of readiness. In the cooking process, you can water the meat with juices, and in the final cooking, sprinkle a piece of balsamic vinegar or "Tabasco".

If you do not know how to cook other meat in a grill pan, then this scheme is suitable for pieces from any animals, including chickens, it is just necessary to vary the cooking time, taking into account the thickness of the piece and the preferred degree of roasting.

How to cook vegetables in a grill?

The duration of cooking vegetables on a grilled skewer is determined by their density. So, a dense sweet pepper about 8-10 minutes are prepared, while mushrooms, zucchini, eggplants will be displayed on your table after 7 minutes, and asparagus is completely through 4. If you want to get pronounced grill stripes on pieces, do not turn the vegetables too often.

Before the preparation, the pieces are mixed with butter, salt and freshly ground pepper. Then place them on the grill and mark the required time. In the meantime, combine in equal parts oil with wine vinegar, add to the mix a little rosemary or basil, garlic and salt with pepper. Pour the prepared vegetables with the marinade before serving.