How to behave as a guest?

Everyone likes to go to parties, birthdays or just to have a friendly tea party, but only a few know how to behave properly at a party. First, according to the rules of etiquette, in any case you can not go on a visit without an invitation. This can interfere with the plans of the owners and put them in a very uncomfortable position, because at this time they can do their own things and walk around the house, for example, in a nightgown. Also you can not come to visit with strangers. This can put in an awkward position not only the hosts, but also the uninvited guest. In addition, it is not recommended to bring children and pets to visit, when their appearance was not foreseen.

Culture of behavior at a party

According to the rules of etiquette, when you come to a dwelling, you must immediately take off your hat and say hello to the owners. To embrace or shake hands is possible only after gloves are removed. If it's raining outside, the umbrella needs to be folded and left in the hallway. In no case can not lay it out and put it in the middle of the room. If the door to the dwelling was not opened by the masters, but by someone else, then you need to enter the room where all the guests gathered, say hello at first to everyone, and then, according to the rules of conduct, go to the owners separately.

Etiquette says that when you are asked to go to the room first, then only a woman or a man older than the owners can take advantage of this, the rest can enter the room only after the owners of the home. According to generally accepted rules, a man should always open a door in front of a woman and let her go forward, and give way on the street. Say hello to the people you need, shaking your hand only lightly. Few know that a woman should shake hands when shaking hands, but this must be taken into account. Greeting to each guest should be the same, according to the rules of ethics on a visit, one should not select someone. If the company has strangers, they must be presented to each other by the owners.

When communicating with the hosts or other guests, in no case should you fold your hands, put them in pockets, drive them on various things, or constantly touch the interlocutor. If the bag is in the hands, it can not be constantly opened and closed, it is best to put it in an accessible place. A guest with an interlocutor should behave the way you would like him to treat you. Therefore, you do not need to turn your back to him, light a cigarette, if he is a non-smoker, make a noise, laugh loudly, complain about problems.

According to the etiquette of behavior at a party, sitting down at the table, you need to move your chair closer, with both hands. Young people should not sit down in their seats until women and an older man sit down.

On a visit you need to behave in such a way that no one sees your bad mood, if it is present, as this in most cases will spoil the overall atmosphere of the holiday. In no case can not show their dissatisfaction with the company or treats. From the proposed dishes can not be denied. If you do not want to eat them, you can just say that you will try them later.

Do not forget about the rules of behavior of children at a party. It is not necessary to let your child rush through the rooms with screams, touch everything without permission, eat with hands or mess things up. We need to ensure that the child's behavior culture is on top.

And finally, do not stay very long away, because it can greatly weary the hosts. Just imagine how much effort was spent to create a festive atmosphere, how many hours was spent by the hostess near the stove. At the end of the holiday they just want to rest, but, of course, they can not drive you out. Therefore, you need to be polite and know the measure in everything.