What if the mirror broke?

With mirrors from ancient times, many legends and superstitions are associated, they are actively used in various magical acts and fortune-telling. It is difficult to imagine a modern home or a handbag without such an indispensable accessory. Unfortunately, glass is a very fragile material and mirrors made of it are often broken into small pieces.

Signs, if a mirror broke at home, are familiar to almost everyone, but few people know what to do in this case and how to avoid troubles.

What you need to do if the mirror is broken - signs

Psychics and fortune-tellers consider mirrors a kind of portal to the other world. Therefore, if integrity is violated, all the accumulated information can mirror people who are from him in the closest proximity.

According to the more widespread version, the person who broke this fragile object will be unhappy for seven years, and if the mirror was broken by an unmarried girl - not to see her marital happiness for the same period. Parapsychologists explain this belief in the following way: the pieces of the mirror seem to draw the vital forces out of a person, weaken his energy and as a consequence, he does not have the strength to take positive events and changes in his life.

Also, you do not need to look into a broken mirror, since a distorted image can trigger trouble.

How to take away the possible trouble, if the mirror broke?

There are several universal tips, here are some of them:

  1. This method will help only those who do not believe in signs. He concludes in the following - do not get hung up on what happened. But splinters in any case it is better to collect quickly, especially if there are animals or small children nearby.
  2. Fill the reflecting surface of the fragments with any opaque paint. The painted surface ceases to perform its direct function, and accordingly the mirror is already with great stretch and no trouble will happen.
  3. Rinse the shards of the mirror with tap water. Water perfectly removes information and cleans objects, so the possible negative will simply be washed away.
  4. Light the candles, since the fire also perfectly cleanses and harmonizes the space.

After the performed actions, it is necessary to collect the fragments in a cloth flap and tightly bandaging the thread into the street in a garbage can or bury in a quiet place.

And what if a small mirror broke, for example, in a powder compartment? Here, again, everything depends on your belief in the supernatural, but you need to remember that the alleged woes are directly proportional to the size of the broken mirror. Therefore, the most optimal thing is simply to throw out the old one and replace it with a new one, trying to show greater accuracy in the future.

What words need to be said if the mirror is broken?

Here are just a few options that can be used in this unpleasant situation:

If you ask the priest in the church what to do if the mirror is broken, then he will recommend reading the prayer. You can read the prayer "Our Father" , which all believing people know, or "Psalm 90" , which is read in case of anxiety and fear.

Whatever you choose to do, if a mirror is broken in the house, first of all you need to remain calm and positive. As you know, our thoughts are material and if we think about the good, then for the bad, there simply will not be room left.