Creatinine in urine

Creatinine is a substance that is the final product of the breakdown of creatine phosphate. The latter is formed in the muscle tissues in the process of energy release. Creatinine is present in urine and blood. An analysis to determine its number is performed to assess the performance of the kidneys. If the level of substance deviates from the norm - most likely, the body develops a pathological process.

Norms of creatinine in the urine

The kidneys excrete this substance in the same way as most other components of residual nitrogen. According to the norms, the optimal amount of substance is considered to be 5.3 - 15.9 mmol / l. Knowing how much creatinine is contained in the urine, you can evaluate:

Causes of elevated creatinine in the urine

Experienced experts perfectly know, with what ailments the level of matter in the body, and in particular, in the urine, increases. It is observed with the following diseases:

In addition, the urine test for creatinine will show increased values ​​if a person abuses meat or regularly exposes his body to serious physical exertion.

Lowered creatinine in the urine

As practice has shown, an increase in creatinine in the urine occurs more often, but there are also factors that have a lowering of the level of this substance. They include:

In some patients, decreased creatinine is diagnosed during pregnancy.