Spices for mulled wine

Undoubtedly, mulled wine is the most popular winter drink. Nothing so warms on a cold winter evening, when frost and cold outside the window, like a hot wine with spices. There are many recipes for making this drink. In this article we will talk about how to prepare it, and what spices are needed for mulled wine.

Composition seasoning for mulled wine

As a rule, mulled wine is prepared from natural spices. But also on the shelves of shops you can find ready seasonings for mulled wine. Most often in their composition there is cinnamon, cloves, black pepper, cardamom, ginger and orange peel. In the composition of such seasoning spices are presented in a crushed condition.

You can buy such a ready-made seasoning, and you can buy spices for mulled wine yourself and their composition is already changing to your liking.

What spices are used in the preparation of mulled wine

Tell you more about some spices, which are often added to this wonderful aromatic drink.

Cinnamon is an integral part of the drink. It gives a pleasant sweet taste and a spicy flavor. Preferably, when preparing mulled wine, use cinnamon sticks, since in the ground state this spice loses some of the properties.

Carnation - a classic component of almost all components of mulled wine. This spice has an incomparable aroma and specific taste. But one should take into account the fact that when heated, the aroma decreases. Therefore, the later in the process of cooking cloves are added, the thinner the flavor will be.

Pepper is also a part of the seasoning for mulled wine. When preparing the drink, both black and red and sweet pepper are used. Black pepper is added to mulled wine from red wine. When they prepare mulled wine from white wine, add red pepper. Scented pepper is used rarely because of its strong flavor. Only some experienced culinary experts include it in their drinks.

Cardamom - this sharp spice gives the drink a pleasant smell and a slight lemon aftertaste. It is also used in hot winter, in cold summer mulled wine.

Anise is another spice that gives the drink a sweetish taste and a spicy aroma. This spice in mulled wine is in good harmony with cinnamon and cardamom.

Often, when preparing mulled wine, a bay leaf is used. Here, only an amateur - one likes this seasoning, the other - absolutely not. But in any case, you need to take into account the fact that it needs to be added to the mulled wine quite a bit about 1 minute before the drink is ready.

Barbaris . This spice will give the drink a slightly perceptible sourness, as a result you will get an interesting exquisite taste and aroma.

Often coriander is added to mulled wine from white wine. Sometimes this spice is present in red drinks.

Saffron - spice, which is used in the preparation of mulled wine is not very common. It gives the drink a thin, but quite persistent flavor. But there is a feature - this spice does not go well with other spices.

Not too frequent companions of mulled wine are lemon balm and mint. If they are used, then most often in cold drinks made of white wine.

Also traditionally, the seasoning for mulled wine includes citrus fruits. Orange combines with both white and red wine. But lime and lemon are added only in red wine.

Even in the preparation of mulled wine, pineapple, kiwi, and bananas are used. Often, also use walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, as well as dried fruits - dried apricots, raisins, prunes.

In general, it's up to you, choose spices to your taste and start preparing a warming fragrant drink!