Rhesus-conflict in the second pregnancy

In most people around the world, red blood cells have a Rh factor protein. Such blood is Rh positive. When this protein is absent, then the blood is called Rh-negative. This feature is inherited genetically and has no effect on human health. During pregnancy there is a risk of Rh-conflict. Develops a violation in a child with Rh-positive blood, which he inherited from his father, but the mother is negative, and vice versa.

Treatment of Rhesus Conflict in Pregnancy

With this violation, doctors are able to successfully fight, but it is important to seek medical help in a timely manner. Usually, Rhesus conflict is diagnosed during the second pregnancy, even if the first one ended in an abortion, or an abortion. Pathology can lead to complications, even to the birth before the term and stillbirth. But such terrible consequences can be avoided, thanks to modern methods of diagnosis, as well as treatment.

To future mothers with negative rhesus the doctor will recommend the following procedures:

If an increase in the antibody titer (a type of blood test) is detected, the future mother will have an ultrasound to evaluate the condition of the fetus. A doctor can prescribe a referral to a hospital. Sometimes there is a need to conduct a study of umbilical cord blood or amniotic fluid. These procedures are prescribed only strictly according to the indications. For example, they can be administered to women who have a high level of antibodies in the Rhesus conflict, or if they have a second pregnancy, and the older baby was born with a severe form of hemolytic disease.

An effective way of treating pathology is a blood transfusion to the fetus. Manipulation is carried out in a hospital. Previously used and other methods. The main 2 options for treating Rh rhesus-conflict during pregnancy were plasmapheresis and transplantation of the baby's mother's skin piece to the future mother. Currently, these methods are rarely prescribed, as many doctors consider them ineffective.

If you carefully listen to the advice of a doctor, the expectant mother will be able to tolerate a healthy baby. Tactics of delivery is chosen by a gynecologist, depending on the condition of the mother in childbirth.