How to plant a lemon grown from a stone?

Growing a lemon from a bone is not difficult. It will rise well and grow rapidly, but real flowering and fruiting can be expected from it for decades. Is it necessary in this case to plant a lemon grown from a stone? If you want your home citrus to please you with fruits, you need to use the method of copulation, having planted on it a stem from an already fruiting plant.

How to plant a homemade lemon?

The thickness of the plant for grafting should be no more than with a pencil, and the same diameter should be a graft. At this stage, a natural question may arise - when it is better to plant a lemon. If you apply the copulating method, then not only the period of active sap movement is suitable for it. It is possible to vaccinate even in winter.

For lemon, copulating is best suited to the application, that is, when the oblique cuts in the root and prievo are closely combined and wound up with tape, tape or tape.

Consider in more detail how to plant a lemon grown from a stone. You need to prepare a sharp knife and sticky tape in advance. Treat the knife with alcohol.

We take our young lemon plant, which we gently raised from the stone. We cut off branches on it where we plan to inoculate. We make the slanting slices.

Next, prepare the cuttings from a fruit-bearing lemon tree with 2-4 buds. All the leaves from them are removed completely or leave only quarters. On cuttings, we make similar oblique cuts. Apply the root and pryvoi cut to the cut, tightly tie them to each other sticky tape.

The grafted plant must be covered with a plastic bag to create high humidity. Gradually we will accustom the cuttings to grow without a package, but it will take quite some time - a few months. If the plant sprouts below the inoculation, they are ruthlessly removed.