How to grow hawthorn from seeds?

Hawthorn is a popular berry crop, which not only has a decorative appearance, but also pleases us with fruits that are used to treat various diseases. If you want to grow such a home "doctor" on your site, we suggest to find out if it is possible to grow hawthorn from seeds and how to do it correctly.

How to grow the seeds of hawthorn?

Those who at least once saw the hawthorn, knows that its shell is quite solid. Therefore, the plant from the fetus grows quite difficult. Stratification will help speed up the process. First, from the slightly unripe harvest, the most beautiful and healthy berries are selected. They are soaked for a day in ordinary water, after which they are wiped through a sieve. Then the seeds are placed in potassium nitrate (1% solution) for about a day. After this, the seed material is placed in a linen cloth and placed in a place where the temperature is kept in the range of + 2 + 3 degrees (for example, a cold store).

How to plant hawthorn seeds?

When it's seven to eight months, the change is taken out of the refrigerator. Planting hawthorn seeds are produced when the warm weather is already established without fear of the return of frosts. Usually this is the month of May in the middle lane. In southern regions, hawthorn is often planted in April. The earth is prepared in advance: dig and fertilize. Sowing seeds must be shallow and dense, since the germination capacity of this berry crop, unfortunately, is small. Seeds cover with a small layer of soil and watered.

In how to grow hawthorn from seeds, there are no special difficulties. As the growth of seedlings from time to time watered, weed from the weeds. When young plants have reached at least half a meter in height, to form the crown they are cut to the height of three kidneys from the surface of the earth. In this case, remove the side shoots, leaving only two branches.

We hope that our recommendations, how to propagate hawthorn with seeds, will help grow a beautiful bush on the site.