Raspberry: planting and care

Which adult or child will abandon the sweet bright berries? Raspberry is not just a very delicious treat, but also a storehouse of vitamins and useful elements. Caring for a garden raspberry may seem difficult, but if you follow the milestones of the basic rules, you can grow a good harvest.

Care for a patchwork raspberry

The most important conditions for good growth are timely watering, loose soil and top dressing. This is a very hygrophilous plant, so that the drying of the soil can not be tolerated, especially in a dry summer. In this case, the stagnation of water will also have a harmful effect on the state of the bushes. Let's consider the basic moments of care for a patchwork raspberry:

  1. Soil loosening is a very important condition for growing. At the same time, do it as carefully as possible, so as not to hurt the root system. The depth of loosening required within a radius of a meter should not exceed 7 cm. To keep moisture on the surface of the soil longer, it should be mulched with humus or peat.
  2. During intensive growth after planting raspberries, top dressing and thorough care are mandatory. It is better to use nitrogen fertilizers in the first half of the summer, and then move on to complex fertilizers.
  3. Proper care for raspberries suggests the timely removal of excess shoots and root shoots. The sooner you remove all unnecessary, the less nutrients will go nowhere. This allows you to increase the concentration of nutrients inside the bush and its high-quality lighting, which will give an abundant harvest. On one square it is enough to have up to 6 shoots.
  4. After fruiting, closer to the onset of cold weather, the bushes are prepared for wintering. To do this, cut the entire aboveground part of the bush, collect the leaves and fallen berries. Then follows a shallow loosening of the soil and its subsequent mulching.
  5. Pruning should begin when the top layer of the soil begins to freeze and the first snow will fall out. Until that time, nothing needs to be done, because due to the supply of nutrients to the shoots, the plant accumulates forces for intensive growth in the next season.

Black raspberry: care

For successful cultivation, select a sunny area of ​​soil. The place should not be blown by the winds, it does not tolerate the plant and drafts. One of the distinguishing features of this type of raspberries is its resistance to diseases. Avoid neighborhood with potatoes, tomatoes: they can be the bearers of verticilliform wilt.

As for irrigation, it is especially important during the ripening period of berries. If moisture is not enough, then this will be detrimental to berries. In addition, insufficient watering can provoke the appearance of weak shoots of substitution.

Yellow raspberry: care

Like the black, yellow raspberries are much less tolerant to frosts than her red relative. For wintering, gardeners do not tightly tie the bushes in a bundle and leave them for the winter. These actions are advisable to do before the onset of frost, when the temperature on the street is not lower than 6 ° C.

When planting should be poured into each pit on a tablespoon of complex fertilizer. Further in three years you can not feed the plant at all. It is very important not to allow the drying of the soil. This also applies to dry autumn. Under each bush pour at least three buckets. Garden raspberries require careful care, one of the most important conditions of which is mulching. This allows you to keep moisture in the root zone, save the bush from frost.

Raspberry: reproduction and care

Most often propagate bushes with the help of root offspring. Planting material must have a well-developed root system and strong shoots. For planting, digging out grooves large enough to allow the roots to fit freely. Plant should be immediately after digging, otherwise the valuable friable roots will simply dry up.

Planting raspberries is done and now you need a thorough care. After landing, be sure to compact the soil and pour it abundantly. This will help ensure the contact of roots with the soil and eliminate voids in the ground.