Hawthorn berries - good and bad

Hawthorn is one of the most ancient berries known to man. For a long time hawthorn was appropriated not only a rank of "doctor", but also spoke about its magic power. Today, this berry enjoys the same popularity, because its medicinal properties are highly valued.

The use of hawthorn lies in the fact that it helps to cure various diseases: insomnia , tachycardia, hyperthyroidism, hypertension, angioneurosis, myocardial infarction, weakness of the heart muscle, cardiac disorders. That is, his undoubted benefit will be rendered to the work of the heart. The composition of hawthorn includes substances that help reduce the excitability of the nervous system and improve its work. Hawthorn is able to stabilize the contractile work of the heart and have a tonic effect on the muscles of the heart.

To eat berries of hawthorn is recommended at such problems and diseases:

But here in addition to the benefits of hawthorn berries can cause and harm. This product is not recommended for pregnant women and mothers who breastfeed. Harm hawthorn can cause a healthy person who abuses these berries. As for the question, how many hawthorn berries can be eaten a day, then the answer is very simple - no more than 150 grams, otherwise it is fraught with a drop in blood pressure and a violation of the heart rate.

What helps the berries of hawthorn?

  1. They also bring an important benefit to the enlarged thyroid gland.
  2. Hawthorn is used for severe headaches, pains in the shoulders and lower back, as well as for blood diseases, due to its antispasmodic effect.
  3. This berry proved its effectiveness in case of problems with the gallbladder and intestines.
  4. Use is recommended for those who suffer from frequent urination.
  5. Hawthorn is treated with the herpes virus and fever.
  6. Berries help restore the body after poisoning.

Useful properties and contra-indications of fresh hawthorn berries

The use of hawthorn lies in the components that make up its composition: flavonoids, pectin and tannins, trace elements, vitamins P and C, riboflavin, thiamine, choline, carotene.

In folk medicine, hawthorn is very popular, as it helps to remove puffiness, heal rheumatism and cope with depression.

  1. Do not abuse berries for a long time, as this can negatively affect the work of the heart. Berries can lower the heart rate.
  2. When treating an empty stomach, you can face such problems, vomiting, vasospasm or bowel.
  3. If you use berries in large quantities, then this can be fraught with mild poisoning.
  4. That there were no intestinal colic or paroxysmal pains, it is not necessary to drink cold water when treated with hawthorn.

How to eat berries of hawthorn?

Of course, the easiest way to use hawthorn is to use berries in fresh form. But it is best to take advantage of a good method that will help to preserve all the medicinal properties of the fruit - to dry. From hawthorn you can make broths, infusions, syrups, which allows you to recover from many diseases. You can use them daily, and even necessary, as they help to cure many diseases.