Passport for the newborn

When parents are going to travel abroad with a small child, they are faced with the question of whether a passport is necessary for a child and how to make a passport to a newborn. Parents can learn how to get a passport for a newborn child by contacting the territorial branch of the Federal Migration Service at their place of residence.

The new rules of the current legislation presume that every person traveling abroad must have his own passport, even if it is a newborn child of three days old.

Parents can choose which passport to apply for a newborn child:

How to apply for a newborn in the Russian Federation?

Passport registration for a newborn takes a lot of time, so documents need to do long

How to apply for a newborn in Ukraine?

You can get a passport for your child if you have the following documents:

On the child you can get either a separate foreign passport, or write it into the passport of one of the parents with the following documents:

Documents for obtaining a passport in Ukraine must be submitted to the Citizenship, Immigration and Registration of Physical Persons Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine at the place of registration of one of the parents. In both options for processing documents it is necessary to pay a state fee (about US $ 20). In this case, the passport is issued within 30 calendar days. In case of need for accelerated registration of the passport, the state fee is doubled (about $ 40).

Ate with documents everything is clear, how to collect them, to whom and where to provide, how to photograph a newborn on a foreign passport can be difficult to understand. The photo must be of good quality, the face is clearly discernible. The child is on a white background.

You can try to photograph the baby at home. To do this, you need to lay a white sheet on the floor and put a child on it. Clothing on it should be dark in color for better contrast with the background. The kid should look into the camera lens and be with his eyes open. Then you can bring this photo to any photo studio, where it can be processed, adjusted to the desired size and printed.

Another variant of photographing: the mother holds the baby in her arms, he looks toward the camera. The background is done in the future in a graphical editor.

Due to the fact that a newborn child does not need a lot of checks from the FMS, documents for getting a passport are issued faster than for an adult - on average within ten working days. You can check the readiness of a foreign passport without leaving your home - on the official website of the Office of the Federal Migration Service in the section "Public Services" - "Foreign Passport". Also on the site are samples and application forms for obtaining a passport that can be printed at home and brought already ready to the territorial office of the migration service. This will reduce the time it takes to fill out the documents.

Currently, a newborn child can receive only a separate passport, it can not be entered in the passport of the parents and paste a photo, as it was before. On the one hand, this requires additional effort and time from the parents. On the other hand, the child's own passport, not tied to the parents' passport, allows to send the child without restraints abroad with someone from relatives (for example, with the grandmother) without problems.