How to raise a lady?

How do you want every mother to see her little daughter in the future a real lady, whom all the surrounding people will admire! Well-educated, educated, fair, gentle, responsive, well-groomed - these qualities are associated most people with the word "lady". And this despite the fact that it was originally applied to women who only knew how to bake bread! Unfortunately, today good manners, especially among teenage girls, are not always considered to be the norm. But even if your preschooler prefers to be friends with boys, behaves like a real tomboy, there is still time to raise a real lady from her.

Lady from the cradle

The most effective and simple way to raise a little princess from a little girl is a personal example. During the first years of life, the mother is the authority on which the child is equal. Psychology of the baby is such that everything that surrounds it, leaves an imprint on the character, the behavior pattern and even the appearance. If the mother thinks that it is necessary to look good and well-groomed only outside the house, it will be difficult to explain to the baby, why observe the rules of hygiene, to monitor the condition of clothes, hair, nails. Very often parents think that beautiful things should be worn out, and for the house old pantyhose with holes, raglan with spots from juice or chocolate will come down. No, this does not mean that at home you need to dress a girl in a smart dress, but homemade clothes should be clean, neat.

From an early age, accustom her to feminine clothes, it's no secret that today many women literally do not get out of their trousers, considering skirts and dresses uncomfortable. A small fashionista would be happy to flaunt in beautiful dresses, and the habit will last a lifetime. Zakolochki, beautiful hair bands, hoops, pigtails - a girl so just interested!

Of course, appearance does matter, but there are no less important factors. For example, the girl's speech. And it's not about obscene words, which is absolutely unacceptable! Bad reviews of other people, slander, gossip - this is what a real lady will never allow herself. That's why a girl should not hear such phrases from mom, grandmother, sisters. In childhood, any habit is formed very quickly, so parents should follow their own speech.

Lady - it's independence, femininity, self-confidence, grace, charm, grace. But it's impossible to break the girl's character! If she is too active and mobile, then the task of the mother is to help the girl find the boundaries that will allow her to remain a girl, but at the same time feel herself. Explain to the little one that a sweet and attractive appearance with disgusting behavior does not mean anything! Beauty will go unnoticed!

Let's sum up the results

You know your child better than anyone else! There are no general rules that could help to educate a real lady from a baby, but following the following recommendations, you will greatly simplify your task:

And do not listen to those who say that the times of courageous knights and charming ladies are long past! Kindness, good upbringing, responsiveness, respect for others, inner beauty will always be appreciated highly. And parental love, attention and care are good helpers in the education of a charming little lady.

Equally challenging is for the parents and the upbringing of a small gentleman.