HCG table by week of pregnancy

As soon as the fetal egg is fixed in the uterus, the chorion begins to produce a special hormone. It is called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). His level can give the doctor useful information about the condition of the pregnant woman.

Table of hCG level for weeks

You can check the concentration of the hormone by using a blood or urine test. The effect of pregnancy tests, which are used at home, is based on the determination of the content of hCG in the urine.

A blood test will give a more accurate result. The doctor can prescribe such examination in the following cases:

The doctor checks the result of the analysis with a special table of the hCG level for weeks of pregnancy. In different medical laboratories, values ​​may diverge, but insignificantly. Each week of gestation corresponds to its significance. Any deviation in the greater or lesser side should be considered by the doctor, he will be able to assess the situation and draw certain conclusions.

Having examined the table of hCG for weeks it can be seen that at very early stages the growth of the hormone is most intense, and already with time it stabilizes and grows slowly. At about 10 weeks, it reaches its highest value and begins to gradually decrease. From week 16, the level is about 10% of its highest value. This is explained by the fact that first in the body hormonal changes occur, the fetus, the child's place is actively growing. All this causes the growth of hCG. And then the placenta performs the functions of supplying the crumbs with food and oxygen, hormonal changes are not so active, so the value decreases.