Dicentra: cultivation and care

This plant in different languages ​​has different names, but all of them include the word "heart". The fact is that the flowers of the dicentres are very similar to the heart, split in half. The plant will easily decorate any corner on your site, where there is a shadow.

Dicentra: varieties

There are several main types of centers. There are about twenty of them, they are common in the Far East and in East China.

  1. The dicenter is magnificent. It is also called "broken heart". Homeland is Southeast Asia. It is perennial with branching stalks, reaches in height about 80 cm. The plant forms arches from stems, flowering of white-pink hue. The leaves of this species are large enough, petiolate and pinnately divided. Among the varieties of this species is the Alba variety with white flowers. In the Gold Heart variety, the flowers have a pink hue, and the leaves are golden yellow. Among the latest hybrid varieties is worth noting Valentin with a cherry-red bloom.
  2. The diocenter is exceptional. This species is called "fringed heart" or "turkey grain". It is perennial, which grows to 30 cm. Its rhizome is strongly shortened and scaly. The flowers of this species have a heart shape, flat and with curved petals. The plant is winter hardy and quite unpretentious. The most common variety is Dolly Sold. This is a product of American specialists, flowers have a pale pink shade.
  3. The dicenter is beautiful. The leaves of the beautiful centers are slightly different from those of other species, they are delicate and have a rich color. Flowers can be several shades from bright pink to cherry or even crimson, there are varieties with white flowering.

Dicentra: cultivation

Growing and caring for the center will not require you to exert much effort, to grow this plant even a gardener-beginner can. To begin with, you should choose the right soil. The plant likes a moist nutritious and well drained land, with the introduction of humus. The main rule is to avoid stagnation of water. For successful cultivation, dicenters should choose a place with a deep bed of groundwater, otherwise the roots will begin to rot. If the summer is arid, then watering should be strengthened so that the water moistens the entire rhizome completely. With a lack of moisture, the plant stops blooming and discards the leaves.

The next important thing in caring for the center is spring preparation. As soon as the first leaves appear from the ground, the soil around the bush is carefully loosened and mulched. Especially closely monitor the plant, if there are frosts, because young shoots can simply die. You can cover the dispensary with non-woven material for the time of frost.

Successful cultivation and good care of the center often depend on the landing site. When choosing a place for a flower garden, pay attention to those corners where there is half-shadow or not too bright rays of the sun. If you plant the dicentre in the shade, then its flowering will begin a little later than usual, but it will last longer. Prolong flowering can be done by removing faded flowers.

Dicentra: care and landing

The easiest way is to propagate the plant vegetatively, by dividing the rhizome in summer. After digging out the plant give a little dry, so the roots will be less damaged. Plant a plant in a pit about 40 cm deep, do not forget about drainage. In the pit, a mixture of humus and loose soil should also be added.

Theoretically, you can propagate and seeds. But growing dicenters from seeds is a very complex and painstaking process. The fact is that in the middle band the plant practically does not give seeds. In addition, it is very difficult to work with them due to the need to carefully observe all conditions. Seeds are planted in September, while the temperature during germination should be 20-25 ° C. In a month, the first shoots will appear. Next, the seedlings dive and cover for the winter period. Only in the third year there are shoots.