Male Horse and Woman Horse - Compatibility

You were born under the patronage of the Horse, if the date of your birth fell on 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002. It is worth noting that a woman and a man-horse with respect to family and marriage behave roughly the same way: they are windy natures who try different relationships before they marry.

Woman Horse - Compatibility

Women born in the year of a horse are usually very attractive at any age, since the question of appearance is for them in the first place. They are caring and attentive to their family, but their independence is unshakable.

Such a woman likes to travel, to learn something new, she is easy to communicate and will find a common language with anyone. Often, such ladies are perfectly shod in matters of literature, art and philosophy. Perhaps this is what makes the Horse infinitely love himself and ignore the needs of others. She is an incorrigible selfish person, and thinks only of herself.

In choosing a life partner, the Horse looks for a man of his level or a little higher. In passion she is defenseless, and at the feet of a loved one she can put her whole life.

Male Horse Compatibility

These are selfish, quick-tempered and self-assured people who are independent by nature and do not accept any bridle and restrictions. At the same time, they perfectly contain the family, because in the list of their positive features are diligence, responsibility, honesty.

The identity of such a man depends heavily on the family and the environment in which he grows. Such people tend to repeat the fate of their parents, often until the choice of a profession. In his family, such a man will take the lead, and if the partner is satisfied, then the union will be very stable.

Male Horse and Woman Horse - Compatibility with other signs

A male horse and a female horse are approximately equally capable of coming into contact with other signs of the eastern horoscope. Let's consider different variants:

  1. A horse with a goat: a successful marriage, these two are in many respects similar and can easily ignore the shortcomings of each other.
  2. A horse with a Tiger: this is a perfect union, if this pair manages to defeat jealousy and mistrust.
  3. Horse with Dog: this is a good union, despite the fact that the partners are very different in nature.
  4. Horse with Rabbit: such a pair will easily find a common language if the Horse accepts the conservatism of its partner, and Rabbit will grant the Horse the necessary degree of freedom.
  5. A horse with a dragon: these two egoists find it difficult to get along together, but they can establish agreements and act together - then everything will turn out.
  6. A male horse and a female horse are compatible, the alliance will be passionate, but not too comfortable.
  7. A horse with the Bull: a complex alliance, because the Bull is a conservative, and the Horse will not like it. They are only capable of a short-lived alliance.
  8. A horse with a Rooster: for both partners this will be a test rather than a normal relationship, since with such a difference of characters, it is extremely difficult to establish a common language.
  9. A horse with a snake: A snake does not know how to be permanent, and the Horse would like stability. However, if the Serpent can tame his temper, then this union has a chance for happiness.
  10. Horse with Monkey: The horse takes love too seriously, but the Monkey is not capable of this. This union is unlikely to be long.
  11. A horse with a boar: A boar does not tolerate egoism , and the horse is not a couple to him.
  12. Horse with Rat: these relationships will be too dramatic, especially if a person was born in the year of the Fiery Horse.

Knowing what weaknesses may be in this or that union, you can take all necessary measures to achieve harmony in the relationship.