How does a man like Lion?

A true king of beasts and a king, he expects his loyal subjects to be servile and worship, and from women that they will fall at his feet. Men born under this sign of the Zodiac are overconfident and simply can not even imagine that a woman can reject them. Partners choose themselves to be a queen - a queen, and how a man loves Leo - in this article.

How to understand that the male Lev loves you?

A man in love will be ready to turn the life of his woman into a fairy tale. In the period of courtship, he will commit insane and reckless acts, such as penetrating at night in a window on the 20th floor and handing a bouquet of flowers or giving a ring on the ocean floor. Men of this sign are incredibly generous and will demonstrate this to others and their women, as if to say: "You are with me and I'm thankful for this." However, from the beloved, he waits for praise and worship, compliments that are for him like a balm to the heart. And although the male Lev loves strong and self-confident women, suitable for him in appearance, status and other criteria, the partner should always be one step behind and give his man the opportunity to rest on his laurels.

It is very important for him that friends, relatives and other members of society will tell about his woman, so he will take care that she has all the best. Often, the relationship of the couple tied after some fearless and rash act on the audience, after which self-affirmed Leo can only raise the woman who fell at his feet. However, such a generous and romantic partner will be very demanding and despotic, because he needs to control everything, know each step of his partner and be sure that she does not change him.

What does a man like Lion love in sex?

Of course, such a partner, not accustomed to refusals, is difficult to surprise, because he is quite skilled in these matters and can even be said to be satiated. A woman will have to try to keep next to a such a male, because he is waiting for not just sex, and enchanting sex. Being interested in what a man-lion loves in bed, you can go without fear to any experiments and offer sex in the most inappropriate places and in the most intricate poses. Impulsive and passionate, he waits for the same emotions from a woman and is incredibly disappointed if the partner turns out to be unfruitful and cold.

You need to be prepared for the fact that he will not waste time on a long prelude , because he believes that already with one of his presence leads her into ecstasy. He will take more than give, although in time such a partner can be slightly "re-educated", but do it unobtrusively and each time generously showered with praise.