Combining the signs of the zodiac

There are many different types of horoscopes, but the most popular are the western (zodiac) and the eastern (by years). Indeed, not everyone will call his sign on the floral horoscope or the horoscope of the Druids, but anyone will say who he is by the Zodiac or in the year of which animal was born. Consider the combination of signs of the zodiac by years.

Combining horoscopes on the signs of the zodiac

There are different interpretations of the combination of the two signs, we will consider the theory of psychotypes. According to her, each sign gives a person certain traits, and each person thus gets a certain psychotype. At the junction of the two systems of horoscopes, some features will intensify, others will weaken.

It is worth noting that the combination of the name and the sign of the zodiac will give even more accurate information, since in this case a greater number of influencing factors will be considered.

Combining the signs of the zodiac requires dividing all existing signs into three groups:

  1. Predators: in the eastern horoscope - Tiger, Dog, Cat, Monkey (partially), in the western - Leo, Scorpio .
  2. Ungulates: in the eastern horoscope Bull, Goat, Horse, Boar, in the western - Taurus, Capricorn, Aries.
  3. Rodents, reptiles, birds (residual): in the eastern horoscope Rooster, Rat, Snake, Dragon, in the west - Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Virgo and Aquarius.

It is believed that reptiles (Snake, Dragon) have a special magnetism, they are recognized as mystical signs that have various super abilities. Consider combining the signs of the zodiac is useful for marriage, and in order to simply better understand another person.

Combining the signs of the zodiac: predators

All predators have a high level of energy, which can go into aggression from time to time. People in whom predators of the eastern and western horoscopes are combined represent an assertive, ambitious personality type. These people will confidently go in business and in affairs of love.

Lions born in the year of the Dog can in some situations behave like a wolf, as, indeed, any predatory sign of the Western zodiac; If the Lion is born in the year of the Tiger, he will act like a cat cunningly, but confidently.

The most dangerous are representatives of western predatory signs, born in the year of the Monkey - this year gives each person treachery, cunning and unpredictability.

If in the year of the Predators the representatives of the Western "non-predatory" circle were born, the character traits will be softer and less pronounced.

Combining the signs of the zodiac: ungulate

Hoofs are governed by nobility, freedom, honor and conscience. They are self-confident, know their dignity and know how to present them. If a person refers to ungulates both on the east and on the western horoscope, then this is a stubborn, arrogant person who does not always have a wide outlook.

These people are the favorite "victims" of predators, and if between them there is sympathy and marriage, then the relationship is inevitably built on the principle of "master - slave."

If the ungulate sign is superimposed on the predator sign, then the person is simply torn from internal contradictions. Man himself is both a victim and a hunter, which generates samoyedstvo.

Combining the signs of the zodiac: rodents, reptiles, birds

Representatives of these signs increase the level of practicality, do not waste their energy in vain, reduce conflict. Such a person can easily find a common language with anyone, he is careful in expressions and communicative.

Inside this group, the eastern and western signs do not conflict with each other, they are very harmonious combinations. At the initial stage, they are looking for ways to communicate , at the highest level - are engaged in self-improvement.

If one of the signs belongs to this group, and the second - to the predatory, then the aggressive tendencies of a person are greatly reduced.