Rybka shubunkin

A wonderful craftsman named Nature has created many quaint and beautiful: crystals and flowers, stones and snowflakes, birds and fish. Especially diligently she reacted to the beauty of aquarium fish, among which the goldfish, known for many centuries, is not the last place. But restless children of mother nature, people, and they themselves want to create beauty.

History and geography of the species

By the efforts of Japanese breeders at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries an unusual goldfish, shubunkin, was created. The Japanese call this fish shubunkin, denoted by three hieroglyphs, which translate as "red brocade" or call it "calico". So why do we call shubunkin, with emphasis on the second syllable, very similar to someone's surname? Fish shubunkin did not immediately get to Russia from such a nearby Japan. She began her victorious march across the world from America, then after World War I moved to Europe. In such a long journey, this goldfish became a shubunkin in European pronunciation, and also acquired relatives abroad. This is the London shubunkin and Bristol shubunkin. This breed, so there are differences in the form of the body, dorsal and caudal fins, but, most importantly, this is what unites them: the beauty of coloring.

Beauty in your aquarium

Color mottled, on a blue background are scattered black, red or dark red, white and yellow spots. But this seemed to few breeders. Rybka shubunkin by the age of two gets even blue spots. This coloring gave another name to these fish: shubunkin calico. Variegated coloration is transmitted as a species attribute by inheritance. She went into fashion. There were followers in other breeds of fish.

Fish shubunkin - decorative aquarium fish of the Karpov family. It has transparent scales, and therefore its name is "scurvy goldfish shubunkin". It grows to 16 cm in length.

Contents of fish shubunkin

He likes free spacious aquariums. The water is suitable for her at a temperature of 15-25 ° C, the acidity of water should be between 5.0 - 8.0, and the hardness from 6 to 18. Aquarium fish, like all carp, are digging in the bottom part, so gravel for them should be rolled around. They will gladly eat all the plants and even with roots, if the roots are not hidden in the stones , and the plants are not hardy. Fish are easily littered in the aquarium, so they need both aeration and water filtration. But all the same they are undemanding, and care is compensated by the beauty of color. And by the age of two fish shubunkin reached maturity, and will be able to please the kids: Shubunkin fry.