Is it possible to bathe a decorative rabbit - hygiene rules of a fluffy pet

A popular pet is the rabbit, calm, gentle and very soft. There are several rules of care that are important for the health of the animal. If you decide to have a fluffy pet, it is important to know if it is possible to bathe a decorative rabbit or it is contraindicated.

Do I need to wash a rabbit?

Water procedures for rabbits are not prohibited, but it is important to perform them correctly and accurately. Finding out whether it is possible to wash ornamental rabbits, it is worth noting that for these pussies the procedure is unnatural, and incorrect actions can lead to serious stress, which negatively affects health. There are certain situations when bathing is mandatory, for example, to remove contamination, as it may be worse if the rabbit starts licking it yourself.

To understand whether it is possible to bathe a decorative rabbit, you should consider what is dangerous such an occupation:

  1. Wash leads to the washing off of the protective grease from the skin, which can cause hair loss and tarnish.
  2. There are reports that due to severe stress during bathing, the animal died.
  3. After bathing, the risk of catching a cold is significantly increased.

Is it possible to wash the feet of rabbits?

Some people recommend choosing a partial bath, that is, aimed only at removing local contaminants. If you are wondering if the rabbits are washing their paws, this part of the body must be cleaned after walking or falling into the excrement. In addition, it is recommended to clean the ass. The animal is kept in hand and washed under the tap contaminated areas. Even in hot weather to prevent heat stroke, it is recommended to spray the baby.

Bathing decorative rabbits

For the procedure, it is important to choose the right detergent. If you want to know if you can bathe the rabbit with shampoo for people, then the answer to this question is negative. In the pet store, you can pick up a suitable product that will not contain harmful substances and will additionally take care of the fur.

  1. In shampoo for animals, there should be no lauryl / laureth sodium sulfate, since this substance is dangerous to the health of the decorative rabbit. A special shampoo will give shine to the hair and make it easier to comb.
  2. In the store you can find a special spray, which is applied to the wool, excluding eye contact. Using a cloth, rub the remedy and comb your pet properly. The spray reduces the risk of inflammation and fights against parasites. It is worth considering that such a tool does not completely replace the shampoo.
  3. A novelty is a dry shampoo that will help out when there is no water at hand or the contamination is small. Powder is applied to the fur and gently combed. It is important to ensure that the particles do not remain on the decorative animal. After application the dirt will disappear, and the hairs will become soft and shiny.

How to properly bathe a rabbit?

If the moment has come and without bathing can not do, then it is recommended to enlist the help of another person who can hold the animal. In the question of whether it is possible to bathe a home decorative rabbit, figured out, so go directly to the procedure. It is necessary to prepare a small basin, a special detergent and several towels . Instructions on how to wash a rabbit at home are simple:

  1. To begin, close the windows to exclude drafts. It is not recommended to use a shower, as the spray can be frightening, and drops can get into your ears and eyes.
  2. Pre-cut the claws of the animal, so that during bathing, he does not injure himself and does not hurt the owner.
  3. Thick coat especially if there are coots, it is important to comb before moisturizing.
  4. The water must be heated to 36-40 ° C, so that the animal does not freeze and fall ill. Immerse the rabbit or only the contaminated part of the body in water and soap using the remedy.
  5. With gentle massaging movements, remove dirt. Constantly watch, that water does not get in ears, eyes and a nose.
  6. Make sure that all detergent has been removed.

How often can I wash a decorative rabbit?

For general maintenance of cleanliness, water procedures should be conducted no more than twice a year. To understand how often to wash a rabbit, you need to consider that in some situations, bathing is a must:

  1. In the presence of serious pollution, for example, when the animal enters the puddle.
  2. Urgently to bathe an animal follows at contamination by dangerous substances.
  3. With diarrhea , as a decorative rabbit can start licking wool and stools will enter the body and this will exacerbate the situation.
  4. If there is a persistent smell of urine and a thermal shock.

How to dry rabbit after bathing?

After the procedure, it is important to dry the fur properly. For this purpose it is recommended to use several towels. Do everything carefully so as not to damage the rabbit. Wrap the pet in the towel, blot out the moisture and take the following. Spend everything in a room where there are no drafts. The instructions on how to wash the rabbit indicate that it is recommended to use a hair dryer to dry the ungainly animals. It is important to set the minimum temperature so as not to burn the skin