Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake talked about the difficult birth of his son: "The son decided to do everything his own way"

April 8, the son of famous artists Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake turns 3 years old. On this occasion, the Hollywood stars decided to give a small interview about the birth of Silas, which was included in the book entitled "The method of nurse Connie: the secrets of the first four months of life of the baby and his parents."

Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake

The son decided to do everything his own way

Her story about how this beautiful pair was preparing for the birth of the first-born, Jessica decided to start with what she said about preparations for childbirth. That's what the movie star said about it:

"When I found out that I was pregnant, my first thoughts were on how to save our baby from dangers, because there are so many of them in the world. I wanted to protect him from everything. I tossed around the shops in search of children's things that would be sewn only from natural fabrics, toys, without harmful dyes, etc. In addition, we decided to make a nursery, which would be fully equipped with harmless furniture, appliances, etc. Frankly, this was the hardest thing to do. In general, then my life was completely devoted to preparing for the birth of a son. Over time, when most things were done, I took care of myself and the preparation for childbirth. I began attending special courses, doing gymnastics, reading a lot of literature. In addition, we looked at a good clinic for childbirth and were very happy about it. I could only wait, but my son decided to do it his own way. "
Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel with her son Silas
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Justin told about the urgent cesarean section

After that, the story of the appearance of Silas decided to continue his father. These are the words Timberlake said:

"Everything happened very suddenly. We did not expect that the birth of a son could go beyond the plan. As a result, Jessica was in the hospital, where she immediately had a cesarean section. It was a blow of such strength that we struggled to get out. From the hospital we returned crushed and devastated. Everything that we prepared for 9 months ended not as planned. Despite this, Silas was born a healthy baby, and this is the most important thing for us. "