Sodium chloride during pregnancy

For the full development of the baby in the womb, he needs a lot of vitamins and trace elements. Will receive their child in the event that the future mother will observe a mode of a correct delivery and to use in sufficient quantity necessary products.

One of the important elements for the development of organs and systems of the baby is sodium chloride, which during pregnancy must necessarily be present in the diet of each mother. In fact, this is a clever chemical - ordinary table salt, which we eat daily.

Is it possible to use sodium chloride in pregnancy?

Any woman, in position or not, knows that salt abuse leads to a lot of problems. In pregnant women, this tendency is even more pronounced, because the organism experiences excessive stress.

If the future mother has swelling, kidney problems, high blood pressure, the doctor often recommends a low salt content in the diet, or even a complete exclusion for a while.

But these are non-standard situations that are not so frequent, and therefore sodium chloride is required in pregnant women in moderation, if there are no contraindications to it.

A healthy woman has 4-5 grams of salt a day, but it should be borne in mind that almost all industrial ready-made foods contain it in a small amount. In order not to overdose it should be minimal dosalitovat food and avoid too salty dishes (smoked, salted fish, conservation).

Why do pregnant women drip sodium chloride?

If a woman goes to the hospital for treatment, she is given complex treatment, including a dropper with a salt solution at a concentration of 0.9%. The future mummy is experiencing that a solution of sodium chloride during pregnancy can have a negative effect on the body, causing swelling - it's salt, and even in large quantities.

In fact, saline solution, or sodium chloride, is prescribed in droppers during pregnancy as a base solution, in which all kinds of medications are added. That is, this saline fluid, similar to the plasma of our body, performs only the function of transporting the basic substance, in parallel removing slags and toxins.

To control the level of salt in the body, a general urine test is performed , which indicates whether to resort to medical methods. These include a salt-free diet, increased fluid intake per day, broths from diuretics and special physical exercises for pregnant women.