Pregnancy in HBV

The children of the weather are, of course, wonderful. But, if you are not going to "sit up" on maternity leave for another couple of years, do not forget that pregnancy with breastfeeding (GV) even without monthly ones is more than a reality. And there are no miracles and accidents here - everything is subordinated to the natural biological cycle of a woman.

But still, when can pregnancy occur after giving birth while breastfeeding, and what are its signs? -Let's discuss.

When can I get pregnant with GV?

As a rule, the first two months after childbirth a woman goes to recovery and lactation. If a child eats a breast on demand both day and night, it is more likely that the first months of the mother will go no earlier than six months. But this is only an assumption, since the ability to conceive for each woman comes back at different times. It often happens that a breastfeeding sexually active mother in the absence of menstruation believes that she can not become pregnant. But this opinion is erroneous, since the egg in any case ripens before the first discharge goes. Therefore, the likelihood that the first postpartum ovulation will be the last for at least 9 months is extremely high.

Signs of pregnancy with breastfeeding without menstruation

To suspect pregnancy with breastfeeding without menstruation can be by classical features, but most likely the first to occur changes the baby will react. The fact is that changes in the hormonal background will affect the taste, consistency and quantity of milk. Therefore, the first sign of pregnancy after childbirth with breastfeeding and the reason to do the test can be considered a sudden failure of the baby from the breast. Also signaling about conception can dramatically decrease the amount of milk. This phenomenon is associated with the redistribution of resources in the mother's body.

In general, the symptoms of pregnancy with GV are not much different from the usual symptoms. This morning sickness, weakness, malaise, changes in taste preferences, dizziness and headaches - all these "delights" can manifest themselves in varying degrees. If a woman already had menstruation after childbirth, then her absence should be on guard at the appointed time. But you can mislead the mammary glands. In particular, the characteristic soreness of the chest and nipples, which often signals an interesting position, often results from the incorrect application of the baby to the chest, the appearance of cracks, lactostasis, or teething in the child. Actually, therefore, answering the question: how to determine pregnancy in breastfeeding, doctors do not advise to rely on symptoms, and recommend to do a test and undergo ultrasound.