Calcification of the placenta

Calcium placenta or excessive calcification of the placenta in 80% of cases accompanies a complicated course of pregnancy. In this regard, in medical practice, the opinion has developed that if there are calcifications in the placenta , this is an echographic sign of uteroplacental insufficiency or gestosis.

However, studies show that in some cases, the placenta with calcifications is not a sign of abnormalities in fetal development, including mass growth and cardiomotor. It is likely that the appearance of calcium in the placenta is a consequence of the reaction of the chorion vessels to gestosis, infection, natural necrosis of villi in the process of aging, pregnancy retention and excess calcium in food.

To assert that there is fetoplacental insufficiency in calcified pregnancy, it is possible only with confirmation of this by additional clinical and instrumental studies that confirm the suffering of the fetus. Otherwise, calcification of the placenta is considered as a risk factor for lowering the functions of the placenta.

What does the premature maturation of the placenta mean and how dangerous is it?

Premature aging of the placenta is a discrepancy between the degree of maturation of the placenta and the timing of pregnancy. It is detected by ultrasound, during which the thickness of the placenta , its size, the presence of various inclusions, including calcints, is assessed.

The diagnosis of "premature aging of the placenta" is made when the second degree of maturity is observed for up to 32 weeks, and the third - up to 36 weeks. The causes of this phenomenon can be diseases of the endocrine system, previously conducted abortions, chronic diseases of the mother, rhesus-conflict, smoking, gestosis and so on. The condition is dangerous because a child may lose oxygen and nutrients due to decreased functions of the placenta.

However, this does not always happen. If you identify, for example, premature ripening of the placenta 30th week, do not immediately get upset and worried. Almost a third of pregnant women diagnosed with this pathology, and the vast majority gives birth to quite healthy babies.