Pregnancy 34 weeks - the weight of the child

Future parents are actively interested in how the crumb develops throughout the pregnancy. Changing the state of health and appearance of a woman. Also, the baby goes a long way during the gestation period. Approximately to the 34th week, all vital systems of the body in crumbs are activated. But this does not mean that the child is ready for birth. However, it is interesting to know how much the baby weighs, what his height is, what he looks like. At this stage, the skin is smoothed, the primary fluff decreases.

Fetal weight at 34 weeks gestation

At this time the mass of the baby is about 2.2 kg. The growth can reach 44 cm. These figures may vary, depending on the individual characteristics. Influence also has the complexion of the mother herself.

By this time, fat is about 7-8% of the total mass of crumbs.

To determine the weight of a child at 34 weeks of pregnancy, you can use one of the methods:

Ultrasound is the most modern method, it is on his data that doctors rely. The rest of the methods are already outdated. However, it should be remembered that even ultrasound diagnosis does not allow the exact weight of the crumbs to be accurately determined, either on 34 or any other week of pregnancy.

At this time the child is already quite large, because he is less active in the uterus. But the woman can feel it more strongly. The weight of the fetus at 34 weeks of pregnancy is especially concerned about the future mother of a fragile complexion. After all, a woman can worry that because of the narrow thighs, she can not give birth to a baby. Worry before the time is not worth it. Often, slender future mothers give birth alone. It is better to ask all the exciting questions to the doctor who will conduct all necessary examinations and measure the pelvis.

Sometimes it happens that the baby was born on the 34th week of pregnancy. This is not the norm, such babies weigh a little. But they are no longer considered premature, and are called pre-term born. Of course, they need some care, but such babies can already independently breathe and in the future quickly catch up with their peers for development.

To avoid health problems at this gestation period, you should not forget to pay attention to nutrition and stick to some tips: