Hiccups in the fetus

The first stirring of the baby is the most long-awaited and memorable moment for the whole pregnancy. Someone may begin to feel a stir even at week 15, and some on 22 are not entirely sure that this is it. It is explained by a different threshold of sensitivity for each woman, because in fact the baby starts to move on very early terms - 8-9 weeks.

In general, the range of the beginning of movements varies from 16 to 22 weeks, and by the end of 24 weeks each mother clearly understands when her child is active. Sometimes even the intensity and nature of the movements of future mothers learn to understand their babies. Closer to the beginning of the third trimester, a pregnant woman faces a first-incomprehensible phenomenon. A crumb commits rhythmic movements - this is called a hiccup of a fetus.

Hiccup of the fetus during pregnancy

Hiccup of the fetus during pregnancy occurs frequently. Gynecologists still disagree about what caused hiccups in the fetus. Basically, two causes of hiccups in the fetus are determined:

Hiccups are a natural process

So, consider the first cause of hiccups in the fetus. At the time when hiccups appear, the baby in the womb is already sufficiently formed.

Some experts even argue that hiccups are a sign of the normal development of the central nervous system. In general, there is an opinion that the hiccup of the fetus during pregnancy is associated with ingestion of the amniotic fluid . The kid sucks his finger, trains to breathe, while water gets into the lungs, thereby causing irritation of the diaphragm.

Such a process is harmless for the child, therefore, to the questions of mothers, why the fetus hiccups, the doctors react quite calmly. Another question is that a woman's sensation, when she overcomes hiccups in a fetus during pregnancy, can be painful. But there's nothing to be done, because the future mother can not influence this process. Ichkat baby can be several times a day for about 15 minutes.

Why does the fetus often hiccup?

If the fruit hiccups often, then still it is worth paying attention to it. After all, do not forget that hiccups in the fetus may be one of the signs of hypoxia. In the case of the latter, in addition to the fact that the fetus often hiccups in the abdomen, changes in its motor activity may be noted. This is either a sharp decrease in movements, or, conversely, the baby behaves too actively.

To make sure that everything is good with the baby, doctors prescribe cardiotocography (CTG) or ultrasound with dopplerometry. With the help of CTG, the condition of the fetus can be more accurately determined. This procedure analyzes the ratio of motor activity to heart rate.

Ultrasound with dopplerometry will show the speed of blood flow in the umbilical cord and placenta - according to these data it is determined whether the child receives enough oxygen and nutrients. If all the same intrauterine hiccup of the fetus was a sign of hypoxia, do not panic, all this is fixable. The doctor will prescribe the necessary drugs, will conduct the necessary examination.

Let's sum up the results

For a pregnant woman, the question of how to understand what a fruit hiccups is, basically, is not worth it. These are characteristic rhythmic movements, which are difficult to confuse with anything. If the attacks of hiccups do not repeat too often, and thus there are no changes in motor activity, then one can calmly treat such a phenomenon as to the natural process of intrauterine development.

You need to do something if the fruit hiccups often. First of all, consult a doctor for additional examinations. Timely medical assistance will help you in a very short time to give birth to a healthy baby.