Treatment of pneumonia with folk remedies

The causes of pneumonia, called pneumonia, can be different, ranging from infection to inhalation of harmful substances. There are cases when the disease manifests itself as a result of prolonged bed rest. It is important to comply with all the requirements of the doctor and additionally treat pneumonia with folk remedies. If the first symptoms are found, to avoid complications, call a doctor.

How to treat pneumonia with folk remedies?

To resort to home methods of fighting the disease should only after the doctor determines pneumonia. The effectiveness of folk treatment is only in combination with the therapy prescribed by a specialist. In this case, the use of such methods should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Folk remedies for garlic and onions from pneumonia

The most common ingredients that help fight lung inflammation are onions and garlic. Here are some useful recipes.

Garlic juice:

  1. Shredded garlic (three hundred grams) put in a container and close the lid.
  2. After half an hour, take the juice that has emptied the gruel (two hundred grams) and add a liter of cahors.
  3. Leave to infuse for two weeks.
  4. Filter and pour the juice into a glass bottle. It can take a long time to store it.
  5. Take an acute disease for a large spoon once an hour.

Onion and milk broth:

  1. Finely chopped onions (two pieces), pour a glass of milk and cook for five minutes. Insist means four hours.
  2. Take, pre-filtered, on a spoon once every three hours.
  3. Store in a glass container, put in the refrigerator.

For the treatment of chronic pneumonia, you can use the following folk recipe:

  1. Press the juice of one onion together with the same amount of honey.
  2. Take a small spoon before eating.

How to treat pneumonia with folk remedies with the help of compresses?

The most proven means for pneumonia is the application of mustard plasters. However, there are many recipes for other procedures.

Curd Compress:

  1. Cottage cheese (one hundred grams) grind with warmed honey (spoon).
  2. Lubricate the towel with a mixture and put on the body, and cover it with a compress paper and wrap it in a shawl made of wool.
  3. The procedure should last all night.
  4. To enhance the effect, it is advisable to drink sudorific tea.

The next morning you should consider a towel. If the cottage cheese has acquired a yellowish shade, then there is inflammation of the lungs.

To combat focal pneumonia, treatment with such a folk remedy is used:

  1. Chopped garlic (one hundred grams) is mixed with half a kilo of goose fat and heated in a water bath for twenty minutes.
  2. The composition is applied to parchment paper, and the top is wrapped with a woolen shawl. Compresses all night.

Recovery after pneumonia folk remedies

During the recovery period after the illness, the following means are used:

  1. For clearing the lungs of the remaining mucus, steam inhalations can be performed. Five drops are added to the boiled water fir oil and covering his head with a towel, inhale the vapors. After the procedure, the same oil lubricate the breast and lie down under the blanket.
  2. Folk remedies after pneumonia involve the use of fluids that remove toxins from the body. It can be compotes of cranberries and cranberries, fruit drinks, mineral water, herbal decoctions.
  3. To increase the resistance of the whole body, it is necessary to take immunostimulants , as well as herbs, which have the ability to improve immunity. This Chinese magnolia vine, onions, garlic, calendula, ginseng root, chamomile, St. John's wort.
  4. To restore lung function it is recommended to inflate balls for a month and dissolve propolis.