Is it possible for the nursing mother carrots?

Nutrition of the nursing mother must be diverse, nutritious, full. You can come up with many more epithets, but it all boils down to one thing - you need to give your baby all the most useful and yet not harm his emerging body. Yes, and most mom needs a lot of vitamins and trace elements, if she wants to keep beautiful skin, thick hair and strong teeth.

Of course, in the diet of the mother should be a lot of vegetables and fruits. And to the question - can the nursing mother eat carrots? - the answer is: not only it is possible, but also it is necessary. Carrots contain many useful substances. In addition, carrots promote lactation, increasing the amount of milk produced.

Carrots with breastfeeding get to a child with milk and does not cause digestion, allergies and other undesirable reactions.

Of course, it does not mean that you need to eat a kilogram of raw carrots every day when breastfeeding. As in everything, it is important to know the measure. In the first months it is better and at all to use baked, stewed or boiled carrots. Add them to your diet is recommended from the 10th day after the birth of the baby. And to go to the fresh cautiously and gradually.

In addition to carrots, a nursing mother needs vegetables such as beets, zucchini, onions, pumpkin, broccoli. All of them must be thermally processed - baked or welded. Vegetables contain all the necessary vitamins and trace elements, which contribute to the rapid and proper growth and development of your baby. And carrots, in addition, is useful for visual acuity of your baby.

Thus, you can safely with lactation, there are carrots in the form of a seasoning for soup or an independent dish - for example, carrot casserole. The main thing is not to overdo it, which, however, refers to anyone, even the most useful product.