Style of the dandy

The notion of "dandy" or "dandyism" appeared in England in the nineteenth century. The brightest representative of the English dandy was the Englishman George Brammel, a man who had an impeccable taste. Against the backdrop of the then mods, he was distinguished for his ability to dress and keep himself in society on the principle of "noticeable invisibility". This principle is still preserved today in creating a dandy style in clothes. What is the secret of the principle?

Features and basic elements of dandy style

The dandy style in women's clothes has such features: modesty and emphasized elegance, ideal cut and, at the same time, some negligence, but very thoughtful and calibrated. The style of dandy requires the use of only expensive fabrics of classical colors (black, brown, gray, white, etc.). Not allowed a large number of jewelry.

The main elements of the dandy style for women:

All these elements of men's clothing appeared in the women's wardrobe in the early twentieth century, thanks to Coco Chanel and Marlene Dietrich. In the photo of clothes in the style of dandy, you will see the opportunity to emphasize femininity and sexuality with the help of the elements of a man's suit, to give confidence. Women's style of dandy implies the presence of a trouser suit in a wardrobe, a three-piece suit. Shoes - low-soled shoes with lacing, reminiscent of men's, strict hard bags or bag-briefcases.

Accessories - a hat, a tie or a neck scarf, which can become a bright accent image, a large wristwatch or pocket watches on a chain, an umbrella-cane.

Ornaments are a brooch that somewhat softens a strict image, a pin for a tie, cufflinks. The main condition that sets the style of dandy when choosing accessories - elegance, impeccable compatibility with clothing, moderation.

Hairstyle and makeup should be restrained - smooth, straight hair, soft makeup.

"Dandy" -style has found its reflection not only in fashion, but also in world literature - this is the life style of English writers-dandy Wilde and Byron, French - Balzac, Proust, Stendhal. They created not one literary character, depicting the lifestyle and dresses of the dandy of his time.