
In modern society, career growth is associated with self-actualization and independence. Practically every person has the need to achieve success and recognition among others. A successful career of acquaintances or relatives inspires both women and men to strive for high results of their work.

The very notion of career determines the subjective opinion of a person about their own work activity and the ways of its development. Any worker needs some movement in his work space. When an employee is long "lingers" in one place, the results of his work tend to deteriorate.

The beginning of the career of many successful people begins with a student's bench. Young people are confidently moving up the career ladder, starting their way from the simplest profession. Science established the main stages of a career in the life of an average employee:

  1. Stage preparation (18-22 years). During this stage, education and specialty are received. Students are already trying to provide for themselves. As a rule, during this period of time people tend to change their activities several times. By age 22, a person can already decide on a profession. There is a career planning.
  2. Stage adaptation (23 - 30 years). This period is characterized by an increased interest in the employee to work, there is a mastery of new skills and knowledge, the search for his place in the team. At some successful employees during this period the career of the head begins.
  3. Stabilization (30 - 40 years). At this time, the employee has the last opportunity to prove himself as a promising employee. Otherwise, it will always remain a gray mouse. This age in a person is characterized by a great desire for career growth. Promising employees open the doors to advance and develop a business career.
  4. Consolidation (40 - 50 years). The opportunities for a person to move up the career ladder are becoming limited. At this age, to achieve an increase is not so easy, since many professionals are facing a mid-life crisis. But, as a rule, true professionals at this age are successful.
  5. Maturity (50 - 60 years). At this age, the desire to develop a professional career is already lost. A person seeks to convey his experience and his knowledge of youth.

In a woman's career, these stages can change. It is connected with family, maternity leave, education of children, domestic cares. For some women, the question career becomes important only after thirty years, and in others after thirty years career ends.

Practice shows that not all people tend to occupy managerial positions. This question is individual. For some, their "indispensability" in the work collective is important. Others like the same definite work throughout life. Personnel management services of some large companies have noticed that the manager's career for many people is a kind of "ceiling". Such employees do not have the desire to move further along the career ladder. Even if this promotion happens on the initiative of the leadership, then there will be no big success.

If you are thinking about how to make a career, then first of all find a job that you will get the best. Management always appreciates such employees. In this case, you will not only enjoy your own results, but also move up the career ladder.