Signs about cats

Dogs are the glory of man's true friends, cats can not boast of such a title, but this is paid off with interest by their mysteriousness. What is there to say, in every second mystical history, these purring soft-claws are directly involved, and in ancient times cats were considered a link between our world and the other world. Apparently, from here and there was such a number of signs about cats. That's about the most common superstitions we'll talk about.

Black cat in the house: signs

Everyone knows about the signs about black cats, they say, they bring misfortune, and in general they can not be started at home, and not to be met on the road. But as it turns out, this sign exists only among Russian speakers, nowhere else in Europe do they believe in it any more. Moreover, our ancestors also did not know anything about these signs and gladly allowed black cats to enter their homes. And before entering a new hut, it was decided to start a black cock and a black chicken on the first night, and on the second day a black cat. Sometimes they limited themselves only to a black cat. The choice of the color of the animal is not accidental, it is believed that black foxes are able to change the energy background of the home for the better - the cat will take all the negative energy accumulated by the previous owner, and an absolutely new hut will give a charge of positive energy. It was also believed that the cat needed a house for peace and quiet in it, since it was these animals that could best agree with the "master of the house" - the house-keeper. And in England and Scotland still believe that to meet a black cat - to great luck, and living in a house animal of this color will save a home from robbers.

It is curious that such a quantity will accept white-related cats, and any other color does not exist. But if we talk about the combination of colors, the most mystical are three-colored cats.

Three-color cat: signs

Perhaps unfair, but with a three-colored cat is not associated with any bad omen . On the contrary, it is believed that the cats of this unusual color bring only happiness, prosperity and prosperity to the house. The tri-flowers have incredible intuition, which allows them to accurately predict any troubles. Therefore, such animals were willingly taken with them by sailors, in order to know in advance about the impending storm.

Also tricolor cats combine the mystical abilities of their red, black and white merchandise. Therefore, having got a trifolium at home, you will protect your home from otherworldly attacks, attract wealth and harmony.

Sign: the cat came into the house

Echoes of a special relationship to these mysterious creatures have come down to our days. For example, it is believed that the kitten that has got to the house must be taken to itself, otherwise 7 years of tenants of the house will pursue failures. As many years of misfortune as a sign promises to the one who brought down a cat or killed it. But if the cat came into the house before the owners, then the promise promises happiness to all its inhabitants.

Everyone knows that cats leave the house when they feel the approach of death, there is even a belief that a cat that has died in a house Is a bad sign. But if the cat left the house, where there is seriously ill, then a sign says that the patient is not going to get well. Moreover, if the cat just left the room with the sick person, although she used to be there, this is also a sign of a quick death. But the cat who came to the sick and left with him, promises a speedy recovery, there is even a belief that these animals can take the disease. And in general it is believed that for a long and happy life you need to keep a cat at home and as often as possible to iron it. The exception is only the period of pregnancy, in which you can not take the cat in your hands and iron it, since it is a sign of the appearance of enemies in the child.