How to learn to pull up a girl?

Not every man can pull himself up on a horizontal bar, and it's doubly harder for a girl to master this exercise. The thing is in the undeveloped muscles of the back, biceps and weak hands. In addition, young ladies who are overweight , you must first reset it, and only then think about how to learn to pull up a girl.

How to learn to catch up on a horizontal bar girl?

As already mentioned, do yourself and your physical fitness. Develop the muscles of the back, biceps and triceps will help such exercises:

In a day, it is necessary to perform push-ups from the floor, and even those who want to know how to learn to pull themselves up to the girl from scratch, it is recommended to first learn the technique of pulling on the Swedish wall. Any other crossbar, which is below the length of the arms, will do. That is, in this case, you can pull up from a prone position. Only then go to master the basic technics, but at first those who are interested in how to learn to pull themselves up, it is worth doing it in reverse grip, because the biceps in its structure is more and able to withstand a greater load than triceps.

In addition, girls who want to know how to properly learn to pull themselves up on the bar, it is recommended to master first a technique called "negative repetition". Its essence is to start with a situation where the chin is above the horizontal bar. That is, as if you have already pulled yourself together. You can do this from a chair or bench, or ask to be lifted by someone from friends.