
Involuntary muscle contractions that occur as seizures are called convulsions. They are usually symptoms of various diseases and pathologies of the nervous system. To treat such problems, anticonvulsant or anticonvulsant drugs are used that can not only stop the seizure, but also provide long-term stable remission without frequent relapses.

Anticonvulsants for epilepsy

The cause of seizures in this case is the disruption of the normal functions of neuronal cells in the brain. Most of the medications developed for the complex therapy of epilepsy are designed to reduce excitability in the focal region.

When psychomotor and large convulsive seizures are prescribed:

If there are small seizures with convulsions:

You can also use the medications shown for large and psychomotor attacks.

If there is an epileptic status, the following medicines are recommended:

With alcoholic epilepsy, anticonvulsants are chosen similarly, depending on the type of seizures. Most often appointed:

It is important to note that these drugs have a very strong effect on the neurons and receptors of the brain, inhibiting their activity. They are addictive, abruptly stopping their reception is strictly prohibited. For these reasons, anticonvulsants without prescriptions are not released at pharmacies. They belong to a number of narcotic and steroid substances, provoke a lot of side effects, some of which are quite dangerous and fraught with serious complications for health.

Anticonvulsants with neuropathy and neuralgia

The described varieties of nerve damage are characterized by acute pain, restriction of mobility of limbs, disruption of the functioning of those systems of the organism in which the nerve is inflamed.

For the treatment of similar pathologies anticonvulsants from a number of gabapentins are used:

Lamotrigine is prescribed less often, only if there are recurring episodes of intense attacks.

Anticonvulsants for feet and hands

If there is no epilepsy and inflammation of the nerves in the medical history, the convulsions are treated only after the establishment of the exact cause of the pathology.

Soft anticonvulsants are used:

Among the prescription drugs are often appointed:

It is important to note that you can not take any of these medications on your own, as the cause of convulsions in the legs or hands can be a common injury, hypothermia, flat feet , a lack of vitamins and trace elements in the body.

New anticonvulsant drugs for Parkinsonism and Parkinson's Disease

Therapy of described diseases involves the use of medications that increase the activity of brain structures:

These drugs help only with symptomatic treatment (eliminate convulsive seizures), but after cancellation, clinical manifestations, as a rule, return.