Means against spiders

This article will help you deal with spiders. So, what are the spiders afraid of, can you use folk remedies and which ones? We suggest that you study this issue more thoroughly.

These insects scare away the smell of horse chestnut, so that you can decompose the fruit in the corners and in the favorite places of arthropods. Just do not forget to pierce or break the chestnut beforehand in order to release the most hated smell.

Among the funds from spiders in a private home are the following:

Also they do not tolerate the smell of peppermint, what can be used - to spread a fresh plant around the house, or to grease cracks and cracks with mint essential oil.

An effective method is vinegar: the outcome of acetic acid on the spider is flying, and its scent frightens off insects, so spray spiders with vinegar from the atomizer, and you will be happy.

A spare option is to have a cat . She, like a true predator, can not remain indifferent to such a target, and playfully saves you from pests.

Consider how to get rid of house spiders

First and foremost, you need to get rid of the web, best of all - using a vacuum cleaner . Secondly, you need to deprive the spiders of "convenience" in your home - small crumbs, old boxes, stacks of newspapers - all this attracts spiders. It will not be superfluous to make sure that other small insects do not live in your house, because if they are, they are an excellent food for spiders. Getting rid of the first, you get rid of the second. Lime will help in the final stage. It is known that domestic spiders do not tolerate the smell of lime, and in an effective way will decompose chalk pieces into corners, or whitewash the walls if possible. Having done all these stages, you will get rid of spiders once and for all.