
What do you think, what place in the house is the quietest, the most favorite and the most desired? Well, of course, the bedroom. Returning in the evening from work or study, we just want to lie down in a cozy environment on your favorite sofa, pick up the remote from the TV or an unread novel and indulge in bliss and rest. But are you sure that you are the sole proprietor of your favorite bed, does not anyone else lay claim to him? Just do not just look at the children and the wife - they have nothing to do with it. Those creatures that without a daily rent and exploit our beds, with the unaided eye can not be seen. They are microscopically small, and their name - bed pliers. Let's talk today about where these uninvited guests come from, how they look, what their neighborhood is fraught with and how to get rid of them.

Where do they come from and how do they look like bedclamps?

So, let's go in order. Where do bedclamps come from? It is not strange, from ordinary household dust, feathers of birds and animal fur, in a word, from natural materials that surround us. Fountain pillows, woolen blankets, terry sheets, fluffy bedspreads, cotton mattresses and fleecy capes, all these are dust collectors, which means that they can successfully accommodate a bed tick. Especially since the bed is the most comfortable place for him in terms of humidity and temperature indexes. They are here as constant as possible in all seasons and days because of our periodic presence here and a fairly rare harvest. After all, none of us change the pillowcases and duvet covers daily, and the floors under the bed we do not wash more than once a week, and this is at best. Here our invisible neighbors use this.

What does a bed tick look like? Quite usual. It is very small, about 0.3-0.5 mm long, a six-legged beetle. It can only be viewed under a microscope. His taurus is covered with a waxy chitinous membrane, and the baby feeds on the dead and depleted cells of human skin. In general, bedclamps are considered saprafits, because no special harm is done to a person, they do not settle on the human body, they do not drink blood, larvae do not delay. However, asthmatics and lungmen may develop an allergy to bed tick. Or rather the products of his life, which he defecates in the same place where he dines.

Bedding, symptoms and treatment

But if bedclamps are not parasites, then why are they so afraid and with all their might try to get rid of them? The fact is that the consequence of contact with the feces of these creatures becomes a very unpleasant and infectious disease of scabies. On the skin appear red continuously, itchy places of inflammation, the temperature can rise, lay a nose and "impose" a throat and begin a real allergic reaction.

Treatment for bed mites is performed strictly under the supervision of a physician with the help of strong antiparasitic drugs. Before their first application, the patient should be thoroughly washed under a hot shower, and then during the whole treatment not wash at all and every day change bed and clothes. Of course, the hands will still have to be washed, but after each forced water treatment they are again rubbed with a therapeutic ointment.

How to get rid of bed ticks?

Since the bedclothes themselves and the treatment from them are not very pleasant, contact with them should be minimized to the extent possible. To do this, it is sufficient to follow simple rules. Namely, daily ventilate the room, often do a wet cleaning of rooms, wipe the dust on the furniture and under the bed, periodically change the bed linen and covers from mattresses. If your vacuum cleaner is equipped with an aquafilter, it will be a good helper in the fight against bedclamps on upholstered furniture and carpets. Another effective remedy for bed ticks is the roasting of bedding in the sun in the summer and their fogging in the winter. In addition, blankets, bedspreads and feathers from the pillow can be washed, thus removing from them dust and accumulated insects. Take these rules for yourselves, and then the question of how to get rid and get rid of a bed tick will become irrelevant for you.