Ways to resolve conflicts

It is impossible to avoid conflict situations. There are many people, many opinions. By exchanging our thoughts, knowledge, experience, we are forced not only to reason based on our ideas, but also to listen, often contrary to our point of view of the interlocutor. And when interests do not coincide, conflict arises.

Conflicts are not always devastating. Very often it is in a conflict situation that truth is born. A more correct and reasonable solution to a problem can also be found after resolving a conflict situation. The constructive or destructive nature of the conflict is determined by the way you choose to resolve this conflict.

Quiet with yourself ...

Staying alone, an internal contradiction may arise on any occasion. Often, when our expectations do not coincide with what we have in reality, an intrapersonal conflict arises in our subconsciousness, that is, a conflict that occurs inside of us, inside our soul, our subconscious. The methods of resolving intrapersonal conflicts are based, first of all, on the analysis of the situation and the identification of the cause of the disturbance. The surest way to determine the problem is to write a statement of what you are worried about. Having listed all the points, and having looked at what has happened, you will already know your "enemy" in person.

Now let's look at the most effective ways to deal with intrinsic conflicts.

  1. Reception "What's next?" Refer to what you wrote. Reading each paragraph, you mentally, or aloud, ask yourself the question: "And what's next?". Ask this question for new questions and contradictions arising in your head, the answers will not take long to wait. Continue this chain until your answer is: "Nothing!". Once "nothing", so is it worth worrying about trifles? Everything, the question is settled. Often we exaggerate our problems, we do, as they say, out of a molehill of an elephant.
  2. Changing attitudes. In the event that you are unable to change the situation, do not rush to scourge yourself, try to change your attitude to the problem. Assess the situation from the point of view of positive moments, and they will be found, believe me. After you change the attitude to the problem, you will feel relief, and soon the problem will completely exhaust itself.

The emergence of an intrapersonal conflict deprives us of a healthy psychological state. Anxiety and anxiety will not disappear until the cause is eliminated. Therefore, attempts to switch to a case, attempts not to think about a patient, to displace or replace an unresolved issue with something else are ineffective. For some time you will forget about what's bothering you. But this will not last long, as the cause of the conflict will remain unresolved. Do not run away from yourself, do not be afraid, the best defense is an attack on your own fear.

You and others

At work, at home, at a party - wherever we have to communicate with people there are disputes and conflicts. This is normal, and it's natural. There are many ways to resolve interpersonal conflicts, that is, conflicts between individuals. Everyone chooses for himself the option of behavior that most closely corresponds to his principles, nature, and the importance of solving this problem.

  1. A most constructive way of resolving conflicts is a compromise. In this case, the conflicting parties solve the problem on more or less acceptable conditions for everyone. Here, in some measure, both win.
  2. Evasion or avoiding conflict is not the best way to solve the problem. This behavior can be a time bomb. While you avoid an open conflict, tension and despair will accumulate in you. Chances are great that in the future this will develop into an intrapersonal conflict. Do you need this? Solve the problem as it occurs.
  3. Negotiations as a method of conflict resolution have certain rules. At first, it is necessary to give a clear justification for its position and its causes. Secondly, it is necessary to respect the interlocutor's opinion, be able to listen, and try to consider the proposed solutions to the conflict. One head, as they say, is good, but two is better.

The ways to resolve family conflicts should be based on a common goal - the creation and preservation of a happy marriage. There is no leader in marriage, there are no winners or losers. You are a team, and if someone lost, you lost both. And you can not organize fights, in order to find out which of the two of you in the family is "cooler". You have one goal, in which you both score your joint goals, these gates are life circumstances in which you now and then need to survive, acting together and together. Therefore, solving conflicts, remember the main thing - about each other.