Frozen strawberries for the winter

Frozen strawberries for the winter - one of the best and easiest ways to preserve its useful properties and unique flavor.

How to freeze fresh strawberries?

To freeze fresh strawberries, you must first set the mode of freezing in the freezer.

There are two ways to freeze strawberries. Each of them is applied depending on what kind of strawberry is available, how much time you have and how you plan to use strawberries in the winter.

Dry freezing of whole berries

If there is no time, but it would be desirable in winter to regale berries, quickly decorate a dessert, then a dry frost of whole berries will do. Dry freezing is ideal for summer residents and those who live in the countryside. Berries are medium in size, clean and always dry, place on a tray, food film, etc. in a single layer and place in the freezer for 1.5-2 hours. Frozen solid berries are poured into a bag. They try to remove all the air from it, tighten it and store it in a freezer for berries and vegetables.

It is even easier to arrange the berries in 2-3 layers of tails up into any, just not glass containers, plastic biscuit boxes, special for the microwave oven and freezing. Close the boxes and put in the freezer.

Frozen strawberries with sugar

To freeze strawberries with sugar, any strawberry, just not rotten, will do.

You can put a beautiful strawberry without tails in a container and pour sugar. Take care of the ideal drying is not necessary. Allow the sugar to dissolve slightly. Close tightly and put in the freezer. In the winter you will receive sweet berries, which you can decorate with ice cream, champagne or just for nothing. Sweet aromatic juice can be added to the cocktail, tea.

You can pour berries with cold syrup and put in the freezer. In this case, the berries are more beautiful and whole. In syrup, it is ideal to freeze a large slice of Giantelle and Slonik varieties cut by slices, t. they taste sourish.

The recipe for the syrup is simple: 1 liter of water, sugar - 300 g, citric acid - 5 g (or lemon juice -1 tbsp).

Frozen strawberry puree is ideal for sauces, kissels, like filling pies, in creams. In a blender, chop a small or crumpled strawberry with sugar. Pour the mashed potatoes in the cold container or bags that are sealed and placed in the freezer. When necessary, cut the piece with a knife.

How to prepare strawberries for freezing?

Many years of practice showed how to properly freeze fresh strawberries to preserve its appearance, and it was not sour. For this you need:

Freezing is the simplest, cost-effective and useful way of billets for future use.

Most housewives, having modern refrigerators with freezers with different temperature regimes, flatly refuse to canning in jars and jam.