Brick oven for a bath

To choose a stove for a bath is a whole matter. Consider the type of construction, frequency of use and do not forget about the economic benefits. Currently, many prefer brick ovens. How to competently choose a brick oven in the bath and by what criteria, we will consider below.

Brick sauna stoves - design options

There are two options for the design of this type of furnace. Classification takes place taking into account the type of principle of work.

  1. In the first variant, the furnace is completely isolated from the combustion products during operation. In other words, when the furnace is heated, the gases released do not touch the stones. This type of construction is also called permanent action. The beginning of operation is at the beginning of the heating of the backfill, the temperature can reach 350 ° C. Fraction for backfilling should only be shallow. This option is more acceptable, since the evolved vapor is much cleaner and more useful.
  2. A brick bath oven with a contact of stones and emitted gases is called a batch furnace. This option was usually used in the furnaces of our ancestors. In this case, the backfill is heated and acquires a red color , and the temperature is several times higher, it can reach as much as 1000 ° C. But right after the full warm-up you'll have to wait until all the products are burned to the end. Only after that they start using a stone. Only a large fraction for backfilling is used here.

These are two fundamentally different schemes of work. They are used approximately equally often. Everything depends on the frequency of operation of the bath and the preferences of the owner of the site.

Brick stoves in a bath - design advantages

Why is it even in this age of high technologies that traditional brick kilns are popular and do not hurry to give way to new-fangled models of metal and other materials? The whole point is that a brick oven for a bath has a number of advantages over other types of similar structures:

A brick oven for a bath can be different, it all depends on the materials selected and their quality. As a rule, choose the red brick, because it has a very high heat dissipation. The furnace heats up relatively quickly and keeps heat for a long time, and therefore the desired temperature is kept in the room at the desired time.

In addition, use a brick of a certain recommended brand is convenient. The fact is that the size of the hammers is standard and here the use of bricks with certain dimensions greatly simplifies the work. Not less convenient and the fact that under such furnaces, taking into account the degree of their heating, today separately sell and stones with high fire resistance.

When choosing a hamster it is important to understand that it is not very difficult to build it, and if you have high-quality materials, you can even relatively quickly cope with it. But the time to wait until it dries completely will take a long time. Approximately three days are usually enough for the built-up structure to be ready for operation and the first warm-up.