The Montignac Diet

Michel Montignac - a world-famous nutritionist, famous for the fact that he came up with and developed his own program of losing weight. The basis of his diet is not the control of calories consumed, but the glycemic index of products. Michelle believed that food that has a high GI, and therefore very harmful to human health, contributes to the deposition of fat, therefore, the basis of nutrition should be products with a minimum GI, i.e. most useful for the body.

The most harmful products:

Healthy foods:

The Michel Montignac diet is quite easy and calmly tolerated, not being a serious test for those who want to lose weight. In the process of losing weight, you will not be irritated, as it happens with other diets, on the contrary you will feel a rush of strength and vivacity.

This program consists of two phases. The first stage - direct weight loss and body cleansing. The second stage is the preservation and maintenance of the results of the first phase.

1 phase of the Montignac diet

At the first stage of the Mantignac diet, only foods with GI less than 50 can be used for food. Another important condition in this phase is the separate consumption of lipids and carbohydrates, i.e. meat, eggs, vegetable oil.

To eat food, Michel recommends three times a day at the same time. Breakfast should be made sufficiently satisfying, lunch is average, and dinner is as easy as possible and, of course, not later.

Consider the sample menu of the Montignac diet at the 1st stage.





According to numerous studies, the Montignac diet is ideal for losing weight, because without using any special effort you can easily drop unwanted pounds. The main thing here is patience, tk. depending on how many kilograms you want to discard, this process can take several months.

2 phase of the Montignac diet

The second stage should be started only when on the first you have achieved the desired result, i.e. when your weight has decreased, and well-being has improved noticeably. But here to adhere to the rules of the second phase follows a lifetime. Strict restrictions are not here, so you can use those foods whose glycemic index is more than 50, but it is better to combine them with food rich in fiber, for example, with apple, pepper, beans, etc. Well, sugar still have to be completely excluded from the diet , or use instead fructose or sugar substitutes.

Advantages of the Montignac diet

The Montignac diet is recognized as the most popular, effective and healthy slimming program because:

  1. The process of metabolism is normalized and, as a consequence, weight stabilizes.
  2. Easy enough to tolerate.
  3. There are no limits to salt intake.
  4. Three meals a day.
  5. Reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular disease, hypertension.

Michelle wrote many works on the topic of proper nutrition and weight loss. More details about the diet for Montignac you can learn from his books, which even during his life became bestsellers and sold millions of copies around the world.