Metabolic Diet - Menu for Every Day

What is the fast metabolism diet? This is a certain way to reduce weight, which is based on accelerated metabolism , and also that after it the result remains.

Diet Features

The purpose of this diet is to reduce the appearance of insulin hormone and estrogen, which completely depends on how much fat accumulation occurs in the body, and also how the hormones responsible for burning fats (testosterone, adrenaline, somatotropin and, of course, , noradrenaline).

Many people think that in order to get rid of extra pounds, you need to constantly starve the body and count calories, but it's not so important, as it turned out. The main thing is to distribute the products correctly for the whole day.

Metabolic diet menu for every day

This diet, like any other, has its positive aspects:

  1. Forget about counting calories and banning your favorite dishes.
  2. Thanks to the principle of the right approach to the compiled menu, this metabolic diet, in which the menu includes proteins, works even at night.
  3. A balanced system does not long to wait and is paying off.
  4. Do not weaken.
  5. Ideal for people who have digestive problems.

Of course, in addition to all these positive qualities, this diet has its own quite a big minus. The thing is that women are used to losing weight quickly, but this will not work. But then you need to think about the metabolic syndrome in women, which is not all the same, so this diet will suit everyone. Moreover, a weight loss of more than 1 kg per week, badly affects the overall health.

In this diet, you need to divide the foods into 5 groups, depending on the carbohydrates. But you do not need to limit yourself in anything.

First step

The metabolic syndrome at this stage of the diet lasts 2 weeks, so all fats are also burned dramatically. At this time, you need to eat foods that do not have fat and carbohydrates, or at least have a low content. Every day you need to drink one tablespoon of olive oil.

In this period, you need to eat only foods with zero fat and carbohydrate content.

Score table:

Second phase

This stage is regulated depending on what is the goal. Weight decreases gradually.

Feed should follow the scheme:

The approximate menu looks like this:

The third stage

We fix the received result, therefore in meal it is added a little more food, than in the previous, except for evening reception of food (on 1 point for a breakfast and a dinner). Also any portion of food should not be more than 250-300 ml, and a break between meals should not be more than three hours.

The approximate menu looks like this: