Unloading day on cucumbers

Unloading day on cucumbers is a wonderful way to spend a summer unloading day. Cucumbers grown in greenhouses, or brought from afar, have a poorer vitamin and mineral composition compared to summer analogues. In addition, winter cucumbers are often oversaturated with nitrates.

Cucumber unloading days spent in the season are one of the most effective methods of weight correction. For a single day, a cucumber can lose up to 800 g. But these vegetables not only help to reduce weight, cucumbers start the process of cleansing the body of toxins and toxins. It is not accidental that physicians recommend that such patients be regularly discharged to people suffering from hypertension, arthrosis, gout, atherosclerosis and obesity. If you just want to lose weight, it will be enough to carry out such discharges once a week, strictly on the same day, of course, provided that during the rest of the week you will observe the principles of healthy nutrition, and not overeat with sweets and pies.

Ways to spend a day of rest on cucumbers

There are several ways to carry out a cucumber unloading day:

Drink from cucumbers



Cucumbers cleanse from the skin, celery from veins. Cut all the pieces and crush it in a blender. Add the juice of lime. The drink is ready.

Store this drink in the refrigerator. To consume during the day, divided into portions of 250 ml. You can also drink water. However, it must be remembered that such cleansing with cucumbers has its own contraindications. So, cucumber discharges are contraindicated for people with chronic kidney disease, gastritis and peptic ulcer. In addition, it should be remembered that the cucumber monodity is poor in calories and protein, so it is better to reduce mental and physical loads during a day of unloading.

Cucumber diets

In addition to cucumber unloading days, there are many options for effective diets on cucumbers. Their menu is usually less rigid, and includes, in addition to cucumbers, boiled or baked chicken and fish, as well as cottage cheese, kefir, bread, nuts, fruit , cheese, which allows them to stay on them longer without harming the body. Although there are exceptions, for example, kefir diet with cucumbers or "Pugacheva diet". This diet is consumed within 3-5 days of a cocktail made according to the recipe below.

Kefir-cucumber cocktail



Grate the cucumber. Pour kefir, mix. Add finely chopped greens.

This cocktail should be drunk every 2-3 hours. Water is allowed without gas.

Recall that when choosing any mono-diet, you need to consult a doctor.